Source code for imagedata.formats.niftiplugin

"""Read/Write Nifti-1 files

# Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Erling Andersen, Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen, Norway

import os.path
import tempfile
import logging
import numpy as np
import imagedata.formats
import imagedata.axis
from imagedata.formats.abstractplugin import AbstractPlugin
import nibabel
import nibabel.spatialimages

[docs]class NoInputFile(Exception): pass
[docs]class FilesGivenForMultipleURLs(Exception): pass
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
[docs]class NiftiPlugin(AbstractPlugin): """Read/write Nifti-1 files.""" name = "nifti" description = "Read and write Nifti-1 files." authors = "Erling Andersen" version = "1.0.0" url = "" """ data - getter and setter - NumPy array read() method write() method """ def __init__(self): super(NiftiPlugin, self).__init__(, self.description, self.authors, self.version, self.url) self.shape = None self.slices = None self.spacing = None self.transformationMatrix = None self.imagePositions = None self.tags = None self.origin = None self.orientation = None self.normal = None self.output_sort = None def _read_image(self, f, opts, hdr): """Read image data from given file handle Args: self: format plugin instance f: file handle or filename (depending on self._need_local_file) opts: Input options (dict) hdr: Header dict Returns: Tuple of hdr: Header dict Return values: - info: Internal data for the plugin None if the given file should not be included (e.g. raw file) si: numpy array (multi-dimensional) """ logging.debug("niftiplugin::read filehandle {}".format(f)) # TODO: Read nifti directly from open file object # Should be able to do something like: # # with as member: # # Create a nibabel image using # # the existing file handle. # fmap = nibabel.nifti1.Nifti1Image.make_file_map() # #nibabel.nifti1.Nifti1Header # fmap['image'].fileobj = member # img = nibabel.Nifti1Image.from_file_map(fmap) # logging.debug("niftiplugin::read load f {}".format(f)) try: img = nibabel.load(f) except nibabel.spatialimages.ImageFileError: raise imagedata.formats.NotImageError( '{} does not look like a nifti file.'.format(f)) except Exception: raise info = img.header si = self._reorder_to_dicom(img.get_data(), flip=False, flipud=True) return info, si def _need_local_file(self): """Do the plugin need access to local files? Returns: Boolean: - True: The plugin need access to local filenames - False: The plugin can access files given by an open file handle """ return True def _set_tags(self, image_list, hdr, si): """Set header tags. Args: self: format plugin instance image_list: list with (info,img) tuples hdr: Header dict si: numpy array (multi-dimensional) Returns: hdr: Header dict """ info, si = image_list[0] _data_shape = info.get_data_shape() nt = nz = 1 nx, ny = _data_shape[:2] if len(_data_shape) > 2: nz = _data_shape[2] if len(_data_shape) > 3: nt = _data_shape[3] logging.debug("_set_tags: ny {}, nx {}, nz {}, nt {}".format(ny, nx, nz, nt)) logging.debug(' get_qform\n{}'.format(info.get_qform())) logging.debug(' info.get_zooms() {}'.format(info.get_zooms())) _xyzt_units = info.get_xyzt_units() _data_zooms = info.get_zooms() _dim_info = info.get_dim_info() logging.debug("_set_tags: get_dim_info(): {}".format(info.get_dim_info())) logging.debug("_set_tags: get_xyzt_units(): {}".format(info.get_xyzt_units())) dt = dz = 1 dx, dy = _data_zooms[:2] if len(_data_zooms) > 2: dz = _data_zooms[2] if len(_data_zooms) > 3: dt = _data_zooms[3] if _xyzt_units[0] == 'meter': dx, dy, dz = dx * 1000., dy * 1000., dz * 1000. elif _xyzt_units[0] == 'micron': dx, dy, dz = dx / 1000., dy / 1000., dz / 1000. if _xyzt_units[1] == 'msec': dt = dt / 1000. elif _xyzt_units[1] == 'usec': dt = dt / 1000000. self.spacing = (float(dz), float(dy), float(dx)) hdr['spacing'] = (float(dz), float(dy), float(dx)) # Simplify shape self._reduce_shape(si) sform, scode = info.get_sform(coded=True) qform, qcode = info.get_qform(coded=True) qfac = info['pixdim'][0] if qfac not in (-1, 1): raise ValueError('qfac (pixdim[0]) should be 1 or -1') # Image orientation and positions hdr['imagePositions'] = {} if sform is not None and scode != 0: logging.debug("Method 3 - sform: orientation") # Note: rz, ry, rx, cz, cy, cx iop = np.array([ sform[2, 0] / dx, - sform[1, 0] / dx, # NIfTI is RAS+, DICOM is LPS+ - sform[0, 0] / dx, # NIfTI is RAS+, DICOM is LPS+ sform[2, 1] / dy, - sform[1, 1] / dy, # NIfTI is RAS+, DICOM is LPS+ - sform[0, 1] / dy # NIfTI is RAS+, DICOM is LPS+ # - sform[2,1] / dy, # sform[1,1] / dy, # NIfTI is RAS+, DICOM is LPS+ # sform[0,1] / dy # NIfTI is RAS+, DICOM is LPS+ ]) for _slice in range(nz): _p = np.array([ - (sform[0, 2] * _slice + sform[0, 3]), # NIfTI is RAS+, DICOM is LPS+ - (sform[1, 2] * _slice + sform[1, 3]), # NIfTI is RAS+, DICOM is LPS+ (sform[2, 2] * _slice + sform[2, 3]) ]) hdr['imagePositions'][_slice] = _p[::-1] # Reverse x,y,z elif qform is not None and qcode != 0: logging.debug("Method 2 - qform: orientation") qoffset_x, qoffset_y, qoffset_z = qform[0:3, 3] a, b, c, d = info.get_qform_quaternion() rx = - (a * a + b * b - c * c - d * d) ry = - (2 * b * c + 2 * a * d) rz = (2 * b * d - 2 * a * c) cx = - (2 * b * c - 2 * a * d) cy = - (a * a + c * c - b * b - d * d) cz = (2 * c * d + 2 * a * b) # normal from quaternion derived once and saved for position calculation ... do not handle qfac here ... do it later tx = - (2 * b * d + 2 * a * c) # NIfTI is RAS+, DICOM is LPS+ ty = - (2 * c * d - 2 * a * b) # NIfTI is RAS+, DICOM is LPS+ tz = (a * a + d * d - c * c - b * b) iop = np.array([rz, ry, rx, cz, cy, cx]) for _slice in range(nz): _p = np.array([ tx * qfac * dz * _slice - qoffset_x, # NIfTI is RAS+, DICOM is LPS+ ty * qfac * dz * _slice - qoffset_y, # NIfTI is RAS+, DICOM is LPS+ tz * qfac * dz * _slice + qoffset_z ]) hdr['imagePositions'][_slice] = _p[::-1] # Reverse x,y,z else: logging.debug("Method 1 - assume axial: orientation") iop = np.array([0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0]) for _slice in range(nz): _p = np.array([ 0, # NIfTI is RAS+, DICOM is LPS+ 0, # NIfTI is RAS+, DICOM is LPS+ dz * _slice ]) hdr['imagePositions'][_slice] = _p[::-1] # Reverse x,y,z hdr['orientation'] = iop self.shape = si.shape times = [0] if nt > 1: times = np.arange(0, nt * dt, dt) assert len(times) == nt, "Wrong timeline calculated (times={}) (nt={})".format(len(times), nt) logging.debug("_set_tags: times {}".format(times)) tags = {} for z in range(nz): tags[z] = np.array(times) hdr['tags'] = tags axes = list() if si.ndim > 3: axes.append(imagedata.axis.UniformLengthAxis( imagedata.formats.input_order_to_dirname_str(hdr['input_order']), 0, nt, dt) ) if si.ndim > 2: axes.append(imagedata.axis.UniformLengthAxis( 'slice', 0, nz, dz) ) axes.append(imagedata.axis.UniformLengthAxis( 'row', 0, ny, dy) ) axes.append(imagedata.axis.UniformLengthAxis( 'column', 0, nx, dx) ) hdr['axes'] = axes hdr['photometricInterpretation'] = 'MONOCHROME2' hdr['color'] = False # def nifti_to_affine(self, affine, shape): # # if len(shape) != 4: # raise ValueError("4D only (was: %dD)" % len(shape)) # # q = affine.copy() # # logging.debug("q from nifti_to_affine():\n{}".format(q)) # # Swap row 0 (z) and 2 (x) # q[[0, 2],:] = q[[2, 0],:] # # Swap column 0 (z) and 2 (x) # q[:,[0, 2]] = q[:,[2, 0]] # logging.debug("q swap nifti_to_affine():\n{}".format(q)) # # analyze_to_dicom = np.eye(4) # analyze_to_dicom[0,3] = 1 # analyze_to_dicom[1,3] = 1 # analyze_to_dicom[2,3] = 1 # dicom_to_analyze = np.linalg.inv(analyze_to_dicom) # q =,dicom_to_analyze) # logging.debug("q after dicom_to_analyze:\n{}".format(q)) # # analyze_to_dicom = np.eye(4) # analyze_to_dicom[0,3] = -1 # analyze_to_dicom[1,1] = -1 # rows = shape[2] # analyze_to_dicom[1,3] = rows # analyze_to_dicom[2,3] = -1 # dicom_to_analyze = np.linalg.inv(analyze_to_dicom) # q =,dicom_to_analyze) # logging.debug("q after rows dicom_to_analyze:\n{}".format(q)) # # patient_to_tal = np.eye(4) # patient_to_tal[0,0] = -1 # patient_to_tal[1,1] = -1 # tal_to_patient = np.linalg.inv(patient_to_tal) # q =,q) # logging.debug("q after tal_to_patient:\n{}".format(q)) # # return q # def affine_to_nifti(self, shape): # q = self.transformationMatrix.copy() # logging.debug("Affine from self.transformationMatrix:\n{}".format(q)) # # Swap row 0 (z) and 2 (x) # q[[0, 2],:] = q[[2, 0],:] # # Swap column 0 (z) and 2 (x) # q[:,[0, 2]] = q[:,[2, 0]] # logging.debug("Affine swap self.transformationMatrix:\n{}".format(q)) # # # q now equals dicom_to_patient in spm_dicom_convert # # # Convert space # analyze_to_dicom = np.eye(4) # analyze_to_dicom[0,3] = -1 # analyze_to_dicom[1,1] = -1 # #if len(shape) == 3: # # rows = shape[1] # #else: # # rows = shape[2] # rows = shape[-2] # analyze_to_dicom[1,3] = rows # analyze_to_dicom[2,3] = -1 # logging.debug("analyze_to_dicom:\n{}".format(analyze_to_dicom)) # # patient_to_tal = np.eye(4) # patient_to_tal[0,0] = -1 # patient_to_tal[1,1] = -1 # logging.debug("patient_to_tal:\n{}".format(patient_to_tal)) # # q =,q) # logging.debug("q with patient_to_tal:\n{}".format(q)) # q =,analyze_to_dicom) # # q now equals mat in spm_dicom_convert # # analyze_to_dicom = np.eye(4) # analyze_to_dicom[0,3] = 1 # analyze_to_dicom[1,3] = 1 # analyze_to_dicom[2,3] = 1 # logging.debug("analyze_to_dicom:\n{}".format(analyze_to_dicom)) # q =,analyze_to_dicom) # # logging.debug("q nifti:\n{}".format(q)) # return q @staticmethod def _get_geometry_from_affine(hdr, q): """Extract geometry attributes from Nifti header Args: self: NiftiPlugin instance q: nifti Qform hdr['spacing'] Returns: hdr: header dict - hdr['imagePositions'][0] - hdr['orientation'] - hdr['transformationMatrix'] """ # Swap back from nifti patient space, flip x and y directions affine =[-1, -1, 1, 1]), q) # Set imagePositions for first slice x, y, z = affine[0:3, 3] hdr['imagePositions'] = {0: np.array([z, y, x])} logging.debug("getGeometryFromAffine: hdr imagePositions={}".format(hdr['imagePositions'])) # Set slice orientation ds, dr, dc = hdr['spacing'] logging.debug("getGeometryFromAffine: spacing ds {}, dr {}, dc {}".format(ds, dr, dc)) colr = affine[:3, 0][::-1] / dr colc = affine[:3, 1][::-1] / dc # T0 = affine[:3,3][::-1] orient = [] logging.debug("getGeometryFromAffine: affine\n{}".format(affine)) for i in range(3): orient.append(colc[i]) for i in range(3): orient.append(colr[i]) logging.debug("getGeometryFromAffine: orient {}".format(orient)) hdr['orientation'] = orient return # noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs] def create_affine_xyz(self): """Create affine in xyz. """ def normalize(v): """Normalize a vector Args: v: 3D vector Returns: normalized 3D vector """ norm = np.linalg.norm(v, ord=1) if norm == 0: norm = np.finfo(v.dtype).eps return v / norm ds, dr, dc = self.spacing colr = normalize(np.array(self.orientation[3:6])).reshape((3,)) * [-1, -1, 1] colc = normalize(np.array(self.orientation[0:3])).reshape((3,)) * [-1, -1, 1] # T0 = self.imagePositions[0][::-1].reshape(3, ) # x,y,z if self.slices > 1: # Tn = self.imagePositions[self.slices - 1][::-1].reshape(3, ) # x,y,z # k = Tn k = np.cross(colc, colr, axis=0) k = k * ds else: k = np.cross(colc, colr, axis=0) k = k * ds L = np.zeros((4, 4)) L[:3, 1] = colr * dr L[:3, 0] = colc * dc L[:3, 2] = k L[:3, 3] = self.origin * [-1, -1, 1] L[3, 3] = 1 return L
# def getQformFromTransformationMatrix(self): # # def matrix_from_orientation(orientation, normal): # # oT = orientation.reshape((2,3)).T # # colr = oT[:,0].reshape((3,1)) # # colc = oT[:,1].reshape((3,1)) # # coln = normal.reshape((3,1)) # # if len(self.shape) < 3: # # M = np.hstack((colr[:2], colc[:2])).reshape((2,2)) # # else: # # M = np.hstack((colr, colc, coln)).reshape((3,3)) # # return M # # def normalize(v): # """Normalize a vector # # # # :param v: 3D vector # :return: normalized 3D vector # """ # norm = np.linalg.norm(v, ord=1) # if norm == 0: # norm = np.finfo(v.dtype).eps # return v / norm # # def L_from_orientation(orientation, normal, spacing): # """ # orientation: row, then column index direction cosines # """ # _ds, _dr, _dc = spacing # _colr = normalize(np.array(orientation[3:6])).reshape((3,)) # _colc = normalize(np.array(orientation[0:3])).reshape((3,)) # _t0 = self.imagePositions[0][::-1].reshape(3, ) # x,y,z # if self.slices > 1: # _tn = self.imagePositions[self.slices - 1][::-1].reshape(3, ) # x,y,z # # k = _tn # _k = np.cross(_colr, _colc, axis=0) # _k = _k * _ds # else: # _k = np.cross(_colr, _colc, axis=0) # _k = _k * _ds # # _L = np.zeros((4, 4)) # _L[:3, 0] = _t0[:] # _L[3, 0] = 1 # _L[:3, 1] = _k # _L[3, 1] = 1 if self.slices > 1 else 0 # _L[:3, 2] = _colr * [-1, -1, 1] * _dr # _L[:3, 3] = _colc * [-1, -1, 1] * _dc # return _L # # # M = self.transformationMatrix # # M = matrix_from_orientation(self.orientation, self.normal) # # ipp = self.origin # # q = np.array([[M[2,2], M[2,1], M[2,0], ipp[0]], # # [M[1,2], M[1,1], M[1,0], ipp[1]], # # [M[0,2], M[0,1], M[0,0], ipp[2]], # # [ 0, 0, 0, 1 ]] # # ) # # if self.slices > 1: # r = np.array([[1, 1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0, 1], [1, self.slices, 0, 0], [1, 1, 0, 0]]) # else: # r = np.array([[1, 0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0, 1], [1, self.slices, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0]]) # l = L_from_orientation(self.orientation, self.normal, self.spacing) # # # Linv = np.linalg.inv(L) # # Aspm =, np.linalg.inv(l)) # to_ones = np.eye(4) # to_ones[:, 3] = 1 # # A =, to_ones) # # ds, dr, dc = self.spacing # colr = normalize(np.array(self.orientation[3:6])).reshape((3,)) # colc = normalize(np.array(self.orientation[0:3])).reshape((3,)) # coln = normalize(np.cross(colc, colr, axis=0)) # t_0 = self.imagePositions[0][::-1].reshape(3, ) # x,y,z # if self.slices > 1: # t_n = self.imagePositions[self.slices - 1][::-1].reshape((3,)) # x,y,z # abcd = np.array([1, 1, self.slices, 1]).reshape((4,)) # one = np.ones((1,)) # efgh = np.concatenate((t_n, one)) # else: # abcd = np.array([0, 0, 1, 0]).reshape((4,)) # # zero = np.zeros((1,)) # efgh = np.concatenate((n * ds, zeros)) # # # From derivations/ # # # premultiplication matrix to go from 0 to 1 based indexing # one_based = np.eye(4) # one_based[:3, 3] = (1, 1, 1) # # premult for swapping row and column indices # row_col_swap = np.eye(4) # row_col_swap[:, 0] = np.eye(4)[:, 1] # row_col_swap[:, 1] = np.eye(4)[:, 0] # # # various worming matrices # orient_pat = np.hstack([colr.reshape(3, 1), colc.reshape(3, 1)]) # orient_cross = coln # pos_pat_0 = t_0 # if self.slices > 1: # missing_r_col = (t_0 - t_n) / (1 - self.slices) # pos_pat_N = t_n # pixel_spacing = [dr, dc] # NZ = self.slices # slice_thickness = ds # # R3 =, np.diag(pixel_spacing)) # # R3 = orient_pat * np.diag(pixel_spacing) # r = np.zeros((4, 2)) # r[:3, :] = R3 # # # The following is specific to the SPM algorithm. # x1 = np.ones(4) # y1 = np.ones(4) # y1[:3] = pos_pat_0 # # to_inv = np.zeros((4, 4)) # to_inv[:, 0] = x1 # to_inv[:, 1] = abcd # to_inv[0, 2] = 1 # to_inv[1, 3] = 1 # inv_lhs = np.zeros((4, 4)) # inv_lhs[:, 0] = y1 # inv_lhs[:, 1] = efgh # inv_lhs[:, 2:] = r # # def spm_full_matrix(x2, y2): # rhs = to_inv[:, :] # rhs[:, 1] = x2 # lhs = inv_lhs[:, :] # lhs[:, 1] = y2 # return, np.linalg.inv(rhs)) # # if self.slices > 1: # x2_ms = np.array([1, 1, NZ, 1]) # y2_ms = np.ones((4,)) # y2_ms[:3] = pos_pat_N # A_ms = spm_full_matrix(x2_ms, y2_ms) # A = A_ms # else: # orient = np.zeros((3, 3)) # orient[:3, :2] = orient_pat # orient[:, 2] = orient_cross # x2_ss = np.array([0, 0, 1, 0]) # y2_ss = np.zeros((4,)) # # y2_ss[:3] = orient * np.array([0, 0, slice_thickness]) # y2_ss[:3] =, np.array([0, 0, slice_thickness])) # A_ss = spm_full_matrix(x2_ss, y2_ss) # A = A_ss # # A =, row_col_swap) # # multi_aff = np.eye(4) # multi_aff[:3, :2] = R3 # trans_z_N = np.array([0, 0, self.slices - 1, 1]) # multi_aff[:3, 2] = missing_r_col # multi_aff[:3, 3] = pos_pat_0 # # est_pos_pat_N =, trans_z_N) # # # Flip voxels in y # analyze_to_dicom = np.eye(4) # analyze_to_dicom[1, 1] = -1 # # analyze_to_dicom[1,3] = shape[1]+1 # analyze_to_dicom[1, 3] = self.slices # logging.debug("getQformFromTransformationMatrix: analyze_to_dicom\n{}".format(analyze_to_dicom)) # # dicom_to_analyze = np.linalg.inv(analyze_to_dicom) # # q =,dicom_to_analyze) # q =, analyze_to_dicom) # # ## 2019.07.03 # q =,analyze_to_dicom) # # ## 2019.07.03 # logging.debug("q after rows dicom_to_analyze:\n{}".format(q)) # # Flip mm coords in x and y directions # patient_to_tal = np.diag([1, -1, -1, 1]) # # patient_to_tal = np.eye(4) # # patient_to_tal[0,0] = -1 # # patient_to_tal[1,1] = -1 # # tal_to_patient = np.linalg.inv(patient_to_tal) # # q =,q) # logging.debug("getQformFromTransformationMatrix: patient_to_tal\n{}".format(patient_to_tal)) # q =, q) # logging.debug("getQformFromTransformationMatrix: q after\n{}".format(q)) # # return q # def create_affine(self, sorted_dicoms): # """ # Function to generate the affine matrix for a dicom series # From # This method was based on ( # :param sorted_dicoms: list with sorted dicom files # """ # # # Create affine matrix ( # image_orient1 = np.array(sorted_dicoms[0].ImageOrientationPatient)[0:3] # image_orient2 = np.array(sorted_dicoms[0].ImageOrientationPatient)[3:6] # # delta_r = float(sorted_dicoms[0].PixelSpacing[0]) # delta_c = float(sorted_dicoms[0].PixelSpacing[1]) # # image_pos = np.array(sorted_dicoms[0].ImagePositionPatient) # # last_image_pos = np.array(sorted_dicoms[-1].ImagePositionPatient) # # if len(sorted_dicoms) == 1: # # Single slice # step = [0, 0, -1] # else: # step = (image_pos - last_image_pos) / (1 - len(sorted_dicoms)) # # # check if this is actually a volume and not all slices on the same location # if np.linalg.norm(step) == 0.0: # raise imagedata.formats.NotImageError("Not a volume") # # affine = np.array( # [[-image_orient1[0] * delta_c, -image_orient2[0] * delta_r, -step[0], -image_pos[0]], # [-image_orient1[1] * delta_c, -image_orient2[1] * delta_r, -step[1], -image_pos[1]], # [image_orient1[2] * delta_c, image_orient2[2] * delta_r, step[2], image_pos[2]], # [0, 0, 0, 1]] # ) # return affine, np.linalg.norm(step)
[docs] def write_3d_numpy(self, si, destination, opts): """Write 3D numpy image as Nifti file Args: self: NiftiPlugin instance si: Series array (3D or 4D), including these attributes: - slices, - spacing, - imagePositions, - transformationMatrix, - orientation, - tags destination: dict of archive and filenames opts: Output options (dict) """ if si.color: raise imagedata.formats.WriteNotImplemented( "Writing color Nifti images not implemented.") logging.debug('NiftiPlugin.write_3d_numpy: destination {}'.format(destination)) archive = destination['archive'] filename_template = 'Image.nii.gz' if len(destination['files']) > 0 and len(destination['files'][0]) > 0: filename_template = destination['files'][0] self.shape = si.shape self.slices = si.slices self.spacing = si.spacing self.transformationMatrix = si.transformationMatrix self.imagePositions = si.imagePositions self.tags = si.tags self.origin, self.orientation, self.normal = si.get_transformation_components_xyz()"Data shape write: {}".format(imagedata.formats.shape_to_str(si.shape))) assert si.ndim == 2 or si.ndim == 3, "write_3d_series: input dimension %d is not 3D." % si.ndim fsi = self._reorder_from_dicom(si, flip=False, flipud=True) shape = fsi.shape affine_xyz = self.create_affine_xyz() nifti_header = nibabel.Nifti1Header() nifti_header.set_dim_info(freq=0, phase=1, slice=2) nifti_header.set_data_shape(shape) dz, dy, dx = self.spacing if si.ndim < 3: nifti_header.set_zooms((dx, dy)) else: nifti_header.set_zooms((dx, dy, dz)) nifti_header.set_data_dtype(fsi.dtype) nifti_header.set_sform(affine_xyz, code=1) nifti_header.set_xyzt_units(xyz='mm') img = nibabel.Nifti1Image(fsi, None, nifti_header) try: filename = filename_template % 0 except TypeError: filename = filename_template self.write_numpy_nifti(img, archive, filename)
[docs] def write_4d_numpy(self, si, destination, opts): """Write 4D numpy image as Nifti file Args: self: NiftiPlugin instance si[tag,slice,rows,columns]: Series array, including these attributes: - slices, - spacing, - imagePositions, - transformationMatrix, - orientation, - tags destination: dict of archive and filenames opts: Output options (dict) """ if si.color: raise imagedata.formats.WriteNotImplemented( "Writing color Nifti images not implemented.") logging.debug('ITKPlugin.write_4d_numpy: destination {}'.format(destination)) archive = destination['archive'] filename_template = 'Image.nii.gz' if len(destination['files']) > 0 and len(destination['files'][0]) > 0: filename_template = destination['files'][0] self.shape = si.shape self.slices = si.slices self.spacing = si.spacing self.transformationMatrix = si.transformationMatrix self.imagePositions = si.imagePositions self.tags = si.tags self.origin, self.orientation, self.normal = si.get_transformation_components_xyz() # Defaults self.output_sort = imagedata.formats.SORT_ON_SLICE if 'output_sort' in opts: self.output_sort = opts['output_sort'] # Should we allow to write 3D volume? if si.ndim == 2: si.shape = (1, 1,) + si.shape elif si.ndim == 3: si.shape = (1,) + si.shape if si.ndim != 4: raise ValueError("write_4d_numpy: input dimension {} is not 4D.".format(si.ndim)) logging.debug("write_4d_numpy: si dtype {}, shape {}, sort {}".format( si.dtype, si.shape, imagedata.formats.sort_on_to_str(self.output_sort))) steps = si.shape[0] slices = si.shape[1] if steps != len(si.tags[0]): raise ValueError( "write_4d_series: tags of dicom template ({}) differ from input array ({}).".format(len(si.tags[0]), steps)) if slices != si.slices: raise ValueError( "write_4d_series: slices of dicom template ({}) differ from input array ({}).".format(si.slices, slices)) fsi = self._reorder_from_dicom(si, flip=False, flipud=True) shape = fsi.shape affine_xyz = self.create_affine_xyz() nifti_header = nibabel.Nifti1Header() nifti_header.set_dim_info(freq=0, phase=1, slice=2) nifti_header.set_data_shape(shape) dz, dy, dx = self.spacing nifti_header.set_zooms((dx, dy, dz, 1)) nifti_header.set_data_dtype(fsi.dtype) nifti_header.set_sform(affine_xyz, code=1) # NiftiHeader.set_slice_duration() # NiftiHeader.set_slice_times(times) nifti_header.set_xyzt_units(xyz='mm', t='sec') img = nibabel.Nifti1Image(fsi, None, nifti_header) try: filename = filename_template % 0 except TypeError: filename = filename_template self.write_numpy_nifti(img, archive, filename)
[docs] @staticmethod def write_numpy_nifti(img, archive, filename): """Write nifti data to file Args: self: ITKPlugin instance, including these attributes: - slices (not used) - spacing - imagePositions - transformationMatrix - orientation (not used) - tags (not used) img: Nifti1Image archive: archive object filename: file name, possibly without extentsion """ if len(os.path.splitext(filename)[1]) == 0: filename = filename + '.nii.gz' ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1] if filename.endswith('.nii.gz'): ext = '.nii.gz' logging.debug('write_numpy_nifti: ext %s' % ext) f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( suffix=ext, delete=False) logging.debug('write_numpy_nifti: write local file %s' % img.to_filename( f.close() logging.debug('write_numpy_nifti: copy to file %s' % filename) _ = archive.add_localfile(, filename) os.unlink(