Transports API Reference

Module imagedata.transports.abstracttransport

Abstract class for image transports.

Defines generic functions.

class imagedata.transports.abstracttransport.AbstractTransport(name, description, authors, version, url, schemes)[source]

Abstract base class definition for imagedata transport plugins. Plugins must be a subclass of AbstractPlugin and must define the attributes set in __init__() and the following methods:

open() method isfile() method walk() method

property authors

Plugin authors

Multi-line string naming the author(s) of the plugin.

abstract close()[source]

Close the transport

property description

Plugin description

Single line string describing the transport method.

abstract info(path) str[source]

Return info describing the object


path (str) – object path


Preferably a one-line string describing the object

Return type

description (str)

abstract isfile(path)[source]

Return True if path is an existing regular file.

property name

Plugin name

Single word string describing the image format. Typical names: file, dicom, xnat

abstract open(path, mode='r')[source]

Extract a member from the archive as a file-like object.

property schemes

List of transport schemes supported by this plugin.

List of strings.

property url

Plugin URL

URL string to the site of the plugin or the author(s).

property version

Plugin version

String giving the plugin version. Version scheme: 1.0.0

abstract walk(top)[source]

Generate the file names in a directory tree by walking the tree. Input: - top: starting point for walk (str) Return: - tuples of (root, dirs, files)

exception imagedata.transports.abstracttransport.NoOtherInstance[source]

Module imagedata.transports.dicomtransport

Transfer DICOM images to and from DICOM Storage SCP

exception imagedata.transports.dicomtransport.AssociationFailed[source]
exception imagedata.transports.dicomtransport.AssociationNotEstablished[source]
class imagedata.transports.dicomtransport.DicomTransport(netloc=None, root=None, mode='r', read_directory_only=False, opts=None)[source]

Send DICOM images to DICOM Storage SCP


Close the DICOM association transport

info(path) str[source]

Return info describing the object


path (str) – object path


Preferably a one-line string describing the object

Return type

description (str)


Return True if path is an existing regular file.

open(path, mode='r')[source]

Extract a member from the archive as a file-like object.


Store DICOM dataset using DICOM Storage SCU protocol.


Generate the file names in a directory tree by walking the tree. Input: - top: starting point for walk (str) Return: - tuples of (root, dirs, files)

Module imagedata.transports.filetransport

Read/Write local image files

class imagedata.transports.filetransport.FileTransport(netloc=None, root=None, mode='r', read_directory_only=False, opts=None)[source]

Read/write local files.


Close the transport

info(path) str[source]

Return info describing the object


path (str) – object path


Preferably a one-line string describing the object

Return type

description (str)


Return True if path is an existing regular file.

open(path, mode='r')[source]

Extract a member from the archive as a file-like object.


Generate the file names in a directory tree by walking the tree. Input: - top: starting point for walk (str) Return: - tuples of (root, dirs, files)

Module imagedata.transports.xnattransport

Read/write files in xnat database

class imagedata.transports.xnattransport.XnatTransport(netloc=None, root=None, mode='r', read_directory_only=False, opts=None)[source]

Read/write files in xnat database.


Close the transport

info(path) str[source]

Return info describing the object


path (str) – object path


Preferably a one-line string describing the object

Return type

description (str)


Return True if path is an existing regular file.

open(path, mode='r')[source]

Extract a member from the archive as a file-like object.


Generate the file names in a directory tree by walking the tree. Input: - top: starting point for walk (str) Return: - tuples of (root, dirs, files)