Source code for imagedata.formats.niftiplugin

"""Read/Write Nifti-1 files

# Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Erling Andersen, Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen, Norway

import os.path
import tempfile
import logging
import numpy as np
import imagedata.formats
import imagedata.axis
from imagedata.formats.abstractplugin import AbstractPlugin
import nibabel
import nibabel.spatialimages

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class NoInputFile(Exception): pass
[docs]class FilesGivenForMultipleURLs(Exception): pass
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
[docs]class NiftiPlugin(AbstractPlugin): """Read/write Nifti-1 files.""" name = "nifti" description = "Read and write Nifti-1 files." authors = "Erling Andersen" version = "1.0.0" url = "" """ data - getter and setter - NumPy array read() method write() method """ def __init__(self): super(NiftiPlugin, self).__init__(, self.description, self.authors, self.version, self.url) self.shape = None self.slices = None self.spacing = None self.transformationMatrix = None self.imagePositions = None self.tags = None self.origin = None self.orientation = None self.normal = None self.output_sort = None def _read_image(self, f, opts, hdr): """Read image data from given file handle Args: self: format plugin instance f: file handle or filename (depending on self._need_local_file) opts: Input options (dict) hdr: Header dict Returns: Tuple of hdr: Header dict Return values: - info: Internal data for the plugin None if the given file should not be included (e.g. raw file) si: numpy array (multi-dimensional) """ logger.debug("niftiplugin::read filehandle {}".format(f)) # TODO: Read nifti directly from open file object # Should be able to do something like: # # with as member: # # Create a nibabel image using # # the existing file handle. # fmap = nibabel.nifti1.Nifti1Image.make_file_map() # #nibabel.nifti1.Nifti1Header # fmap['image'].fileobj = member # img = nibabel.Nifti1Image.from_file_map(fmap) # logger.debug("niftiplugin::read load f {}".format(f)) try: img = nibabel.load(f) except nibabel.spatialimages.ImageFileError: raise imagedata.formats.NotImageError( '{} does not look like a nifti file.'.format(f)) except Exception: raise info = img.header si = self._reorder_to_dicom( np.asanyarray(img.dataobj), flip=False, flipud=True) return info, si def _need_local_file(self): """Do the plugin need access to local files? Returns: Boolean: - True: The plugin need access to local filenames - False: The plugin can access files given by an open file handle """ return True def _set_tags(self, image_list, hdr, si): """Set header tags. Args: self: format plugin instance image_list: list with (info,img) tuples hdr: Header dict si: numpy array (multi-dimensional) Returns: hdr: Header dict """ info, si = image_list[0] _data_shape = info.get_data_shape() nt = nz = 1 nx, ny = _data_shape[:2] if len(_data_shape) > 2: nz = _data_shape[2] if len(_data_shape) > 3: nt = _data_shape[3] logger.debug("_set_tags: ny {}, nx {}, nz {}, nt {}".format(ny, nx, nz, nt)) logger.debug(' get_qform\n{}'.format(info.get_qform())) logger.debug(' info.get_zooms() {}'.format(info.get_zooms())) _xyzt_units = info.get_xyzt_units() _data_zooms = info.get_zooms() _dim_info = info.get_dim_info() logger.debug("_set_tags: get_dim_info(): {}".format(info.get_dim_info())) logger.debug("_set_tags: get_xyzt_units(): {}".format(info.get_xyzt_units())) dt = dz = 1 dx, dy = _data_zooms[:2] if len(_data_zooms) > 2: dz = _data_zooms[2] if len(_data_zooms) > 3: dt = _data_zooms[3] if _xyzt_units[0] == 'meter': dx, dy, dz = dx * 1000., dy * 1000., dz * 1000. elif _xyzt_units[0] == 'micron': dx, dy, dz = dx / 1000., dy / 1000., dz / 1000. if _xyzt_units[1] == 'msec': dt = dt / 1000. elif _xyzt_units[1] == 'usec': dt = dt / 1000000. self.spacing = (float(dz), float(dy), float(dx)) hdr['spacing'] = (float(dz), float(dy), float(dx)) # Simplify shape self._reduce_shape(si) sform, scode = info.get_sform(coded=True) qform, qcode = info.get_qform(coded=True) qfac = info['pixdim'][0] if qfac not in (-1, 1): raise ValueError('qfac (pixdim[0]) should be 1 or -1') # Image orientation and positions hdr['imagePositions'] = {} if sform is not None and scode != 0: logger.debug("Method 3 - sform: orientation") # Note: rz, ry, rx, cz, cy, cx iop = np.array([ sform[2, 0] / dx, - sform[1, 0] / dx, # NIfTI is RAS+, DICOM is LPS+ - sform[0, 0] / dx, # NIfTI is RAS+, DICOM is LPS+ sform[2, 1] / dy, - sform[1, 1] / dy, # NIfTI is RAS+, DICOM is LPS+ - sform[0, 1] / dy # NIfTI is RAS+, DICOM is LPS+ # - sform[2,1] / dy, # sform[1,1] / dy, # NIfTI is RAS+, DICOM is LPS+ # sform[0,1] / dy # NIfTI is RAS+, DICOM is LPS+ ]) for _slice in range(nz): _p = np.array([ - (sform[0, 2] * _slice + sform[0, 3]), # NIfTI is RAS+, DICOM is LPS+ - (sform[1, 2] * _slice + sform[1, 3]), # NIfTI is RAS+, DICOM is LPS+ (sform[2, 2] * _slice + sform[2, 3]) ]) hdr['imagePositions'][_slice] = _p[::-1] # Reverse x,y,z elif qform is not None and qcode != 0: logger.debug("Method 2 - qform: orientation") qoffset_x, qoffset_y, qoffset_z = qform[0:3, 3] a, b, c, d = info.get_qform_quaternion() rx = - (a * a + b * b - c * c - d * d) ry = - (2 * b * c + 2 * a * d) rz = (2 * b * d - 2 * a * c) cx = - (2 * b * c - 2 * a * d) cy = - (a * a + c * c - b * b - d * d) cz = (2 * c * d + 2 * a * b) # normal from quaternion derived once and saved for position calculation ... do not handle qfac here ... do it later tx = - (2 * b * d + 2 * a * c) # NIfTI is RAS+, DICOM is LPS+ ty = - (2 * c * d - 2 * a * b) # NIfTI is RAS+, DICOM is LPS+ tz = (a * a + d * d - c * c - b * b) iop = np.array([rz, ry, rx, cz, cy, cx]) for _slice in range(nz): _p = np.array([ tx * qfac * dz * _slice - qoffset_x, # NIfTI is RAS+, DICOM is LPS+ ty * qfac * dz * _slice - qoffset_y, # NIfTI is RAS+, DICOM is LPS+ tz * qfac * dz * _slice + qoffset_z ]) hdr['imagePositions'][_slice] = _p[::-1] # Reverse x,y,z else: logger.debug("Method 1 - assume axial: orientation") iop = np.array([0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0]) for _slice in range(nz): _p = np.array([ 0, # NIfTI is RAS+, DICOM is LPS+ 0, # NIfTI is RAS+, DICOM is LPS+ dz * _slice ]) hdr['imagePositions'][_slice] = _p[::-1] # Reverse x,y,z hdr['orientation'] = iop self.shape = si.shape times = [0] if nt > 1: times = np.arange(0, nt * dt, dt) assert len(times) == nt, "Wrong timeline calculated (times={}) (nt={})".format(len(times), nt) logger.debug("_set_tags: times {}".format(times)) tags = {} for z in range(nz): tags[z] = np.array(times) hdr['tags'] = tags axes = list() if si.ndim > 3: axes.append(imagedata.axis.UniformLengthAxis( imagedata.formats.input_order_to_dirname_str(hdr['input_order']), 0, nt, dt) ) if si.ndim > 2: axes.append(imagedata.axis.UniformLengthAxis( 'slice', 0, nz, dz) ) axes.append(imagedata.axis.UniformLengthAxis( 'row', 0, ny, dy) ) axes.append(imagedata.axis.UniformLengthAxis( 'column', 0, nx, dx) ) hdr['axes'] = axes hdr['photometricInterpretation'] = 'MONOCHROME2' hdr['color'] = False # def nifti_to_affine(self, affine, shape): # # if len(shape) != 4: # raise ValueError("4D only (was: %dD)" % len(shape)) # # q = affine.copy() # # logger.debug("q from nifti_to_affine():\n{}".format(q)) # # Swap row 0 (z) and 2 (x) # q[[0, 2],:] = q[[2, 0],:] # # Swap column 0 (z) and 2 (x) # q[:,[0, 2]] = q[:,[2, 0]] # logger.debug("q swap nifti_to_affine():\n{}".format(q)) # # analyze_to_dicom = np.eye(4) # analyze_to_dicom[0,3] = 1 # analyze_to_dicom[1,3] = 1 # analyze_to_dicom[2,3] = 1 # dicom_to_analyze = np.linalg.inv(analyze_to_dicom) # q =,dicom_to_analyze) # logger.debug("q after dicom_to_analyze:\n{}".format(q)) # # analyze_to_dicom = np.eye(4) # analyze_to_dicom[0,3] = -1 # analyze_to_dicom[1,1] = -1 # rows = shape[2] # analyze_to_dicom[1,3] = rows # analyze_to_dicom[2,3] = -1 # dicom_to_analyze = np.linalg.inv(analyze_to_dicom) # q =,dicom_to_analyze) # logger.debug("q after rows dicom_to_analyze:\n{}".format(q)) # # patient_to_tal = np.eye(4) # patient_to_tal[0,0] = -1 # patient_to_tal[1,1] = -1 # tal_to_patient = np.linalg.inv(patient_to_tal) # q =,q) # logger.debug("q after tal_to_patient:\n{}".format(q)) # # return q # def affine_to_nifti(self, shape): # q = self.transformationMatrix.copy() # logger.debug("Affine from self.transformationMatrix:\n{}".format(q)) # # Swap row 0 (z) and 2 (x) # q[[0, 2],:] = q[[2, 0],:] # # Swap column 0 (z) and 2 (x) # q[:,[0, 2]] = q[:,[2, 0]] # logger.debug("Affine swap self.transformationMatrix:\n{}".format(q)) # # # q now equals dicom_to_patient in spm_dicom_convert # # # Convert space # analyze_to_dicom = np.eye(4) # analyze_to_dicom[0,3] = -1 # analyze_to_dicom[1,1] = -1 # #if len(shape) == 3: # # rows = shape[1] # #else: # # rows = shape[2] # rows = shape[-2] # analyze_to_dicom[1,3] = rows # analyze_to_dicom[2,3] = -1 # logger.debug("analyze_to_dicom:\n{}".format(analyze_to_dicom)) # # patient_to_tal = np.eye(4) # patient_to_tal[0,0] = -1 # patient_to_tal[1,1] = -1 # logger.debug("patient_to_tal:\n{}".format(patient_to_tal)) # # q =,q) # logger.debug("q with patient_to_tal:\n{}".format(q)) # q =,analyze_to_dicom) # # q now equals mat in spm_dicom_convert # # analyze_to_dicom = np.eye(4) # analyze_to_dicom[0,3] = 1 # analyze_to_dicom[1,3] = 1 # analyze_to_dicom[2,3] = 1 # logger.debug("analyze_to_dicom:\n{}".format(analyze_to_dicom)) # q =,analyze_to_dicom) # # logger.debug("q nifti:\n{}".format(q)) # return q @staticmethod def _get_geometry_from_affine(hdr, q): """Extract geometry attributes from Nifti header Args: self: NiftiPlugin instance q: nifti Qform hdr['spacing'] Returns: hdr: header dict - hdr['imagePositions'][0] - hdr['orientation'] - hdr['transformationMatrix'] """ # Swap back from nifti patient space, flip x and y directions affine =[-1, -1, 1, 1]), q) # Set imagePositions for first slice x, y, z = affine[0:3, 3] hdr['imagePositions'] = {0: np.array([z, y, x])} logger.debug("getGeometryFromAffine: hdr imagePositions={}".format(hdr['imagePositions'])) # Set slice orientation ds, dr, dc = hdr['spacing'] logger.debug("getGeometryFromAffine: spacing ds {}, dr {}, dc {}".format(ds, dr, dc)) colr = affine[:3, 0][::-1] / dr colc = affine[:3, 1][::-1] / dc # T0 = affine[:3,3][::-1] orient = [] logger.debug("getGeometryFromAffine: affine\n{}".format(affine)) for i in range(3): orient.append(colc[i]) for i in range(3): orient.append(colr[i]) logger.debug("getGeometryFromAffine: orient {}".format(orient)) hdr['orientation'] = orient return # noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs] def create_affine_xyz(self): """Create affine in xyz. """ def normalize(v): """Normalize a vector Args: v: 3D vector Returns: normalized 3D vector """ norm = np.linalg.norm(v, ord=1) if norm == 0: norm = np.finfo(v.dtype).eps return v / norm ds, dr, dc = self.spacing colr = normalize(np.array(self.orientation[3:6])).reshape((3,)) * [-1, -1, 1] colc = normalize(np.array(self.orientation[0:3])).reshape((3,)) * [-1, -1, 1] # T0 = self.imagePositions[0][::-1].reshape(3, ) # x,y,z if self.slices > 1: # Tn = self.imagePositions[self.slices - 1][::-1].reshape(3, ) # x,y,z # k = Tn k = np.cross(colc, colr, axis=0) k = k * ds else: k = np.cross(colc, colr, axis=0) k = k * ds L = np.zeros((4, 4)) L[:3, 1] = colr * dr L[:3, 0] = colc * dc L[:3, 2] = k L[:3, 3] = self.origin * [-1, -1, 1] L[3, 3] = 1 return L
# def getQformFromTransformationMatrix(self): # # def matrix_from_orientation(orientation, normal): # # oT = orientation.reshape((2,3)).T # # colr = oT[:,0].reshape((3,1)) # # colc = oT[:,1].reshape((3,1)) # # coln = normal.reshape((3,1)) # # if len(self.shape) < 3: # # M = np.hstack((colr[:2], colc[:2])).reshape((2,2)) # # else: # # M = np.hstack((colr, colc, coln)).reshape((3,3)) # # return M # # def normalize(v): # """Normalize a vector # # # # :param v: 3D vector # :return: normalized 3D vector # """ # norm = np.linalg.norm(v, ord=1) # if norm == 0: # norm = np.finfo(v.dtype).eps # return v / norm # # def L_from_orientation(orientation, normal, spacing): # """ # orientation: row, then column index direction cosines # """ # _ds, _dr, _dc = spacing # _colr = normalize(np.array(orientation[3:6])).reshape((3,)) # _colc = normalize(np.array(orientation[0:3])).reshape((3,)) # _t0 = self.imagePositions[0][::-1].reshape(3, ) # x,y,z # if self.slices > 1: # _tn = self.imagePositions[self.slices - 1][::-1].reshape(3, ) # x,y,z # # k = _tn # _k = np.cross(_colr, _colc, axis=0) # _k = _k * _ds # else: # _k = np.cross(_colr, _colc, axis=0) # _k = _k * _ds # # _L = np.zeros((4, 4)) # _L[:3, 0] = _t0[:] # _L[3, 0] = 1 # _L[:3, 1] = _k # _L[3, 1] = 1 if self.slices > 1 else 0 # _L[:3, 2] = _colr * [-1, -1, 1] * _dr # _L[:3, 3] = _colc * [-1, -1, 1] * _dc # return _L # # # M = self.transformationMatrix # # M = matrix_from_orientation(self.orientation, self.normal) # # ipp = self.origin # # q = np.array([[M[2,2], M[2,1], M[2,0], ipp[0]], # # [M[1,2], M[1,1], M[1,0], ipp[1]], # # [M[0,2], M[0,1], M[0,0], ipp[2]], # # [ 0, 0, 0, 1 ]] # # ) # # if self.slices > 1: # r = np.array([[1, 1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0, 1], [1, self.slices, 0, 0], [1, 1, 0, 0]]) # else: # r = np.array([[1, 0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0, 1], [1, self.slices, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0]]) # l = L_from_orientation(self.orientation, self.normal, self.spacing) # # # Linv = np.linalg.inv(L) # # Aspm =, np.linalg.inv(l)) # to_ones = np.eye(4) # to_ones[:, 3] = 1 # # A =, to_ones) # # ds, dr, dc = self.spacing # colr = normalize(np.array(self.orientation[3:6])).reshape((3,)) # colc = normalize(np.array(self.orientation[0:3])).reshape((3,)) # coln = normalize(np.cross(colc, colr, axis=0)) # t_0 = self.imagePositions[0][::-1].reshape(3, ) # x,y,z # if self.slices > 1: # t_n = self.imagePositions[self.slices - 1][::-1].reshape((3,)) # x,y,z # abcd = np.array([1, 1, self.slices, 1]).reshape((4,)) # one = np.ones((1,)) # efgh = np.concatenate((t_n, one)) # else: # abcd = np.array([0, 0, 1, 0]).reshape((4,)) # # zero = np.zeros((1,)) # efgh = np.concatenate((n * ds, zeros)) # # # From derivations/ # # # premultiplication matrix to go from 0 to 1 based indexing # one_based = np.eye(4) # one_based[:3, 3] = (1, 1, 1) # # premult for swapping row and column indices # row_col_swap = np.eye(4) # row_col_swap[:, 0] = np.eye(4)[:, 1] # row_col_swap[:, 1] = np.eye(4)[:, 0] # # # various worming matrices # orient_pat = np.hstack([colr.reshape(3, 1), colc.reshape(3, 1)]) # orient_cross = coln # pos_pat_0 = t_0 # if self.slices > 1: # missing_r_col = (t_0 - t_n) / (1 - self.slices) # pos_pat_N = t_n # pixel_spacing = [dr, dc] # NZ = self.slices # slice_thickness = ds # # R3 =, np.diag(pixel_spacing)) # # R3 = orient_pat * np.diag(pixel_spacing) # r = np.zeros((4, 2)) # r[:3, :] = R3 # # # The following is specific to the SPM algorithm. # x1 = np.ones(4) # y1 = np.ones(4) # y1[:3] = pos_pat_0 # # to_inv = np.zeros((4, 4)) # to_inv[:, 0] = x1 # to_inv[:, 1] = abcd # to_inv[0, 2] = 1 # to_inv[1, 3] = 1 # inv_lhs = np.zeros((4, 4)) # inv_lhs[:, 0] = y1 # inv_lhs[:, 1] = efgh # inv_lhs[:, 2:] = r # # def spm_full_matrix(x2, y2): # rhs = to_inv[:, :] # rhs[:, 1] = x2 # lhs = inv_lhs[:, :] # lhs[:, 1] = y2 # return, np.linalg.inv(rhs)) # # if self.slices > 1: # x2_ms = np.array([1, 1, NZ, 1]) # y2_ms = np.ones((4,)) # y2_ms[:3] = pos_pat_N # A_ms = spm_full_matrix(x2_ms, y2_ms) # A = A_ms # else: # orient = np.zeros((3, 3)) # orient[:3, :2] = orient_pat # orient[:, 2] = orient_cross # x2_ss = np.array([0, 0, 1, 0]) # y2_ss = np.zeros((4,)) # # y2_ss[:3] = orient * np.array([0, 0, slice_thickness]) # y2_ss[:3] =, np.array([0, 0, slice_thickness])) # A_ss = spm_full_matrix(x2_ss, y2_ss) # A = A_ss # # A =, row_col_swap) # # multi_aff = np.eye(4) # multi_aff[:3, :2] = R3 # trans_z_N = np.array([0, 0, self.slices - 1, 1]) # multi_aff[:3, 2] = missing_r_col # multi_aff[:3, 3] = pos_pat_0 # # est_pos_pat_N =, trans_z_N) # # # Flip voxels in y # analyze_to_dicom = np.eye(4) # analyze_to_dicom[1, 1] = -1 # # analyze_to_dicom[1,3] = shape[1]+1 # analyze_to_dicom[1, 3] = self.slices # logger.debug("getQformFromTransformationMatrix: analyze_to_dicom\n{}".format(analyze_to_dicom)) # # dicom_to_analyze = np.linalg.inv(analyze_to_dicom) # # q =,dicom_to_analyze) # q =, analyze_to_dicom) # # ## 2019.07.03 # q =,analyze_to_dicom) # # ## 2019.07.03 # logger.debug("q after rows dicom_to_analyze:\n{}".format(q)) # # Flip mm coords in x and y directions # patient_to_tal = np.diag([1, -1, -1, 1]) # # patient_to_tal = np.eye(4) # # patient_to_tal[0,0] = -1 # # patient_to_tal[1,1] = -1 # # tal_to_patient = np.linalg.inv(patient_to_tal) # # q =,q) # logger.debug("getQformFromTransformationMatrix: patient_to_tal\n{}".format(patient_to_tal)) # q =, q) # logger.debug("getQformFromTransformationMatrix: q after\n{}".format(q)) # # return q # def create_affine(self, sorted_dicoms): # """ # Function to generate the affine matrix for a dicom series # From # This method was based on ( # :param sorted_dicoms: list with sorted dicom files # """ # # # Create affine matrix ( # image_orient1 = np.array(sorted_dicoms[0].ImageOrientationPatient)[0:3] # image_orient2 = np.array(sorted_dicoms[0].ImageOrientationPatient)[3:6] # # delta_r = float(sorted_dicoms[0].PixelSpacing[0]) # delta_c = float(sorted_dicoms[0].PixelSpacing[1]) # # image_pos = np.array(sorted_dicoms[0].ImagePositionPatient) # # last_image_pos = np.array(sorted_dicoms[-1].ImagePositionPatient) # # if len(sorted_dicoms) == 1: # # Single slice # step = [0, 0, -1] # else: # step = (image_pos - last_image_pos) / (1 - len(sorted_dicoms)) # # # check if this is actually a volume and not all slices on the same location # if np.linalg.norm(step) == 0.0: # raise imagedata.formats.NotImageError("Not a volume") # # affine = np.array( # [[-image_orient1[0] * delta_c, -image_orient2[0] * delta_r, -step[0], -image_pos[0]], # [-image_orient1[1] * delta_c, -image_orient2[1] * delta_r, -step[1], -image_pos[1]], # [image_orient1[2] * delta_c, image_orient2[2] * delta_r, step[2], image_pos[2]], # [0, 0, 0, 1]] # ) # return affine, np.linalg.norm(step)
[docs] def write_3d_numpy(self, si, destination, opts): """Write 3D numpy image as Nifti file Args: self: NiftiPlugin instance si: Series array (3D or 4D), including these attributes: - slices, - spacing, - imagePositions, - transformationMatrix, - orientation, - tags destination: dict of archive and filenames opts: Output options (dict) """ if si.color: raise imagedata.formats.WriteNotImplemented( "Writing color Nifti images not implemented.") logger.debug('NiftiPlugin.write_3d_numpy: destination {}'.format(destination)) archive = destination['archive'] filename_template = 'Image.nii.gz' if len(destination['files']) > 0 and len(destination['files'][0]) > 0: filename_template = destination['files'][0] self.shape = si.shape self.slices = si.slices self.spacing = si.spacing self.transformationMatrix = si.transformationMatrix self.imagePositions = si.imagePositions self.tags = si.tags self.origin, self.orientation, self.normal = si.get_transformation_components_xyz()"Data shape write: {}".format(imagedata.formats.shape_to_str(si.shape))) assert si.ndim == 2 or si.ndim == 3, "write_3d_series: input dimension %d is not 3D." % si.ndim fsi = self._reorder_from_dicom(si, flip=False, flipud=True) shape = fsi.shape affine_xyz = self.create_affine_xyz() nifti_header = nibabel.Nifti1Header() nifti_header.set_dim_info(freq=0, phase=1, slice=2) nifti_header.set_data_shape(shape) dz, dy, dx = self.spacing if si.ndim < 3: nifti_header.set_zooms((dx, dy)) else: nifti_header.set_zooms((dx, dy, dz)) nifti_header.set_data_dtype(fsi.dtype) nifti_header.set_sform(affine_xyz, code=1) nifti_header.set_xyzt_units(xyz='mm') img = nibabel.Nifti1Image(fsi, None, nifti_header) try: filename = filename_template % 0 except TypeError: filename = filename_template self.write_numpy_nifti(img, archive, filename)
[docs] def write_4d_numpy(self, si, destination, opts): """Write 4D numpy image as Nifti file Args: self: NiftiPlugin instance si[tag,slice,rows,columns]: Series array, including these attributes: - slices, - spacing, - imagePositions, - transformationMatrix, - orientation, - tags destination: dict of archive and filenames opts: Output options (dict) """ if si.color: raise imagedata.formats.WriteNotImplemented( "Writing color Nifti images not implemented.") logger.debug('ITKPlugin.write_4d_numpy: destination {}'.format(destination)) archive = destination['archive'] filename_template = 'Image.nii.gz' if len(destination['files']) > 0 and len(destination['files'][0]) > 0: filename_template = destination['files'][0] self.shape = si.shape self.slices = si.slices self.spacing = si.spacing self.transformationMatrix = si.transformationMatrix self.imagePositions = si.imagePositions self.tags = si.tags self.origin, self.orientation, self.normal = si.get_transformation_components_xyz() # Defaults self.output_sort = imagedata.formats.SORT_ON_SLICE if 'output_sort' in opts: self.output_sort = opts['output_sort'] # Should we allow to write 3D volume? if si.ndim == 2: si.shape = (1, 1,) + si.shape elif si.ndim == 3: si.shape = (1,) + si.shape if si.ndim != 4: raise ValueError("write_4d_numpy: input dimension {} is not 4D.".format(si.ndim)) logger.debug("write_4d_numpy: si dtype {}, shape {}, sort {}".format( si.dtype, si.shape, imagedata.formats.sort_on_to_str(self.output_sort))) steps = si.shape[0] slices = si.shape[1] if steps != len(si.tags[0]): raise ValueError( "write_4d_series: tags of dicom template ({}) differ from input array ({}).".format(len(si.tags[0]), steps)) if slices != si.slices: raise ValueError( "write_4d_series: slices of dicom template ({}) differ from input array ({}).".format(si.slices, slices)) fsi = self._reorder_from_dicom(si, flip=False, flipud=True) shape = fsi.shape affine_xyz = self.create_affine_xyz() nifti_header = nibabel.Nifti1Header() nifti_header.set_dim_info(freq=0, phase=1, slice=2) nifti_header.set_data_shape(shape) dz, dy, dx = self.spacing nifti_header.set_zooms((dx, dy, dz, 1)) nifti_header.set_data_dtype(fsi.dtype) nifti_header.set_sform(affine_xyz, code=1) # NiftiHeader.set_slice_duration() # NiftiHeader.set_slice_times(times) nifti_header.set_xyzt_units(xyz='mm', t='sec') img = nibabel.Nifti1Image(fsi, None, nifti_header) try: filename = filename_template % 0 except TypeError: filename = filename_template self.write_numpy_nifti(img, archive, filename)
[docs] @staticmethod def write_numpy_nifti(img, archive, filename): """Write nifti data to file Args: self: ITKPlugin instance, including these attributes: - slices (not used) - spacing - imagePositions - transformationMatrix - orientation (not used) - tags (not used) img: Nifti1Image archive: archive object filename: file name, possibly without extentsion """ if len(os.path.splitext(filename)[1]) == 0: filename = filename + '.nii.gz' ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1] if filename.endswith('.nii.gz'): ext = '.nii.gz' logger.debug('write_numpy_nifti: ext %s' % ext) f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( suffix=ext, delete=False) logger.debug('write_numpy_nifti: write local file %s' % img.to_filename( f.close() logger.debug('write_numpy_nifti: copy to file %s' % filename) _ = archive.add_localfile(, filename) os.unlink(