Source code for imagedata.formats.niftiplugin

"""Read/Write Nifti-1 files

# Copyright (c) 2013-2024 Erling Andersen, Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen, Norway

import os
import logging
import mimetypes
import math
import nibabel
import nibabel.spatialimages
from ..series import Series
import numpy as np
from . import NotImageError, WriteNotImplemented, input_order_to_dirname_str
from ..axis import UniformLengthAxis
from .abstractplugin import AbstractPlugin
from ..archives.abstractarchive import AbstractArchive

# import nitransforms

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

mimetypes.add_type('image/nii', '.nii')
mimetypes.add_type('image/nii', '.nii.gz')

[docs] class NiftiPlugin(AbstractPlugin): """Read/write Nifti-1 files. """ name = "nifti" description = "Read and write Nifti-1 files." authors = "Erling Andersen" version = "2.0.0" url = "" extensions = [".nii", ".nii.gz"] """ data - getter and setter - NumPy array read() method write() method """ def __init__(self): super(NiftiPlugin, self).__init__(, self.description, self.authors, self.version, self.url) self.shape = None self.slices = None self.spacing = None self.transformationMatrix = None self.imagePositions = None self.tags = None self.origin = None self.orientation = None self.normal = None self.output_sort = None def _read_image(self, f, opts, hdr): """Read image data from given file handle Args: self: format plugin instance f: file handle or filename (depending on self._need_local_file) opts: Input options (dict) hdr: Header Returns: Tuple of hdr: Header Return values: - info: Internal data for the plugin None if the given file should not be included (e.g. raw file) si: numpy array (multi-dimensional) """ logger.debug("niftiplugin::read filehandle {}".format(f)) # TODO: Read nifti directly from open file object # Should be able to do something like: # # with as member: # # Create a nibabel image using # # the existing file handle. # fmap = nibabel.nifti1.Nifti1Image.make_file_map() # #nibabel.nifti1.Nifti1Header # fmap['image'].fileobj = member # img = nibabel.Nifti1Image.from_file_map(fmap) # logger.debug("niftiplugin::read load f {}".format(f)) try: img = nibabel.load(f) except nibabel.spatialimages.ImageDataError: raise NotImageError( '{} does not look like a nifti file.'.format(f)) except Exception: raise if hdr.input_order == 'auto': hdr.input_order = 'none' hdr.color = False flip_y = True # Always if flip_y: img = self._nii_flip_y(img) slice_direction = self._verify_nifti_slice_direction(img) if slice_direction < 0: img = self._nii_flip_slices(img) # slice_direction = abs(slice_direction) si = self._reorder_to_dicom( np.asanyarray(img.dataobj), flip=False, flipud=True) return img, si def _need_local_file(self): """Do the plugin need access to local files? Returns: Boolean: - True: The plugin need access to local filenames - False: The plugin can access files given by an open file handle """ return True def _set_tags(self, image_list, hdr, si): """Set header tags. Args: self: format plugin instance image_list: list with (img,si) tuples hdr: Header si: numpy array (multi-dimensional) Returns: hdr: Header """ img, si = image_list[0] info = img.header _data_shape = info.get_data_shape() nt = nz = 1 nx, ny = _data_shape[:2] if len(_data_shape) > 2: nz = _data_shape[2] if len(_data_shape) > 3: nt = _data_shape[3] logger.debug("_set_tags: ny {}, nx {}, nz {}, nt {}".format(ny, nx, nz, nt)) logger.debug(' get_qform\n{}'.format(info.get_qform())) logger.debug(' info.get_zooms() {}'.format(info.get_zooms())) _xyzt_units = info.get_xyzt_units() _data_zooms = info.get_zooms() # _dim_info = info.get_dim_info() logger.debug("_set_tags: get_dim_info(): {}".format(info.get_dim_info())) logger.debug("_set_tags: get_xyzt_units(): {}".format(info.get_xyzt_units())) dt = dz = 1 dx, dy = _data_zooms[:2] if len(_data_zooms) > 2: dz = _data_zooms[2] if len(_data_zooms) > 3: dt = _data_zooms[3] if _xyzt_units[0] == 'meter': dx, dy, dz = dx * 1000., dy * 1000., dz * 1000. elif _xyzt_units[0] == 'micron': dx, dy, dz = dx / 1000., dy / 1000., dz / 1000. if _xyzt_units[1] == 'msec': dt = dt / 1000. elif _xyzt_units[1] == 'usec': dt = dt / 1000000. self.spacing = (float(dz), float(dy), float(dx)) hdr.spacing = (float(dz), float(dy), float(dx)) # Simplify shape self._reduce_shape(si) sform, scode = info.get_sform(coded=True) qform, qcode = info.get_qform(coded=True) qfac = info['pixdim'][0] if qfac not in (-1, 1): raise ValueError('qfac (pixdim[0]) should be 1 or -1') # Image orientation and positions hdr.imagePositions = {} if sform is not None and scode != 0: logger.debug("Method 3 - sform: orientation") # for c in range(4): # NIfTI is RAS+, DICOM is LPS+ # for r in range(2): # sform[r, c] = - sform[r, c] hdr.transformationMatrix = np.eye(4, dtype=np.float64) # NIfTI is RAS+, DICOM is LPS+ hdr.transformationMatrix[:3, 0] = sform[:3, 2][::-1] hdr.transformationMatrix[:3, 1] = sform[:3, 1][::-1] hdr.transformationMatrix[:3, 2] = sform[:3, 0][::-1] hdr.transformationMatrix[:3, 3] = sform[:3, 3][::-1] q = sform[:3, :3] # # p = sform[:3, 3] # p = nibabel.affines.apply_affine(sform, (0, ny - 1, 0)) # if np.linalg.det(q) < 0: # q[:3, 1] = - q[:3, 1] # # Note: rz, ry, rx, cz, cy, cx iop = np.array([ q[2, 0] / dx, q[1, 0] / dx, q[0, 0] / dx, q[2, 1] / dy, q[1, 1] / dy, q[0, 1] / dy ]) # p = sform[:3, 3] for _slice in range(nz): _p = np.array([ (q[0, 2] * _slice + p[0]), # NIfTI is RAS+, DICOM is LPS+ (q[1, 2] * _slice + p[1]), (q[2, 2] * _slice + p[2]) ]) hdr.imagePositions[_slice] = _p[::-1] elif qform is not None and qcode != 0: logger.debug("Method 2 - qform: orientation") qoffset_x, qoffset_y, qoffset_z = qform[0:3, 3] a, b, c, d = info.get_qform_quaternion() rx = - (a * a + b * b - c * c - d * d) ry = - (2 * b * c + 2 * a * d) rz = (2 * b * d - 2 * a * c) cx = - (2 * b * c - 2 * a * d) cy = - (a * a + c * c - b * b - d * d) cz = (2 * c * d + 2 * a * b) # normal from quaternion derived once and saved for position calculation ... # ... do not handle qfac here ... do it later tx = - (2 * b * d + 2 * a * c) # NIfTI is RAS+, DICOM is LPS+ ty = - (2 * c * d - 2 * a * b) # NIfTI is RAS+, DICOM is LPS+ tz = (a * a + d * d - c * c - b * b) iop = np.array([rz, ry, rx, cz, cy, cx]) for _slice in range(nz): _p = np.array([ tx * qfac * dz * _slice - qoffset_x, # NIfTI is RAS+, DICOM is LPS+ ty * qfac * dz * _slice - qoffset_y, # NIfTI is RAS+, DICOM is LPS+ tz * qfac * dz * _slice + qoffset_z ]) hdr.imagePositions[_slice] = _p[::-1] # Reverse x,y,z else: logger.debug("Method 1 - assume axial: orientation") iop = np.array([0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0]) for _slice in range(nz): _p = np.array([ 0, # NIfTI is RAS+, DICOM is LPS+ 0, # NIfTI is RAS+, DICOM is LPS+ dz * _slice ]) hdr.imagePositions[_slice] = _p[::-1] # Reverse x,y,z hdr.orientation = iop self.shape = si.shape times = [0] if nt > 1: times = np.arange(0, nt * dt, dt) assert len(times) == nt, \ "Wrong timeline calculated (times={}) (nt={})".format(len(times), nt) logger.debug("_set_tags: times {}".format(times)) tags = {} for z in range(nz): tags[z] = np.array(times) hdr.tags = tags axes = list() if si.ndim > 3: axes.append(UniformLengthAxis( input_order_to_dirname_str(hdr.input_order), 0, nt, dt) ) if si.ndim > 2: axes.append(UniformLengthAxis( 'slice', 0, nz, dz) ) axes.append(UniformLengthAxis( 'row', 0, ny, dy) ) axes.append(UniformLengthAxis( 'column', 0, nx, dx) ) hdr.axes = axes hdr.photometricInterpretation = 'MONOCHROME2' hdr.color = False # Set dummy DicomHeaderDict hdr.DicomHeaderDict = {} for _slice in range(nz): hdr.DicomHeaderDict[_slice] = [] for tag in range(nt): hdr.DicomHeaderDict[_slice].append( (times[tag], None, hdr.empty_ds()) ) # noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs] def write_3d_numpy(self, si, destination, opts): """Write 3D numpy image as Nifti file Args: self: NiftiPlugin instance si: Series array (3D or 4D), including these attributes: slices, spacing, imagePositions, transformationMatrix, orientation, tags destination: dict of archive and filenames opts: Output options (dict) """ self.write_numpy_nifti(si, destination, opts)
[docs] def write_4d_numpy(self, si, destination, opts): """Write 4D numpy image as Nifti file si[tag,slice,rows,columns]: Series array, including these attributes: slices, spacing, imagePositions, transformationMatrix, orientation, tags Args: si (imagedata.Series): Series array destination: dict of archive and filenames opts: Output options (dict) """ self.write_numpy_nifti(si, destination, opts)
[docs] def write_numpy_nifti(self, si, destination, opts): """Write nifti data to file Args: si (imagedata.Series): Series array destination: dict of archive and filenames opts: Output options (dict) """ if si.color: raise WriteNotImplemented( "Writing color Nifti images not implemented.") img = self._save_dicom_to_nifti(si) archive: AbstractArchive = destination['archive'] archive.set_member_naming_scheme( fallback='Image.nii.gz', level=0, default_extension='.nii.gz', extensions=self.extensions ) query = None if destination['files'] is not None and len(destination['files']): query = destination['files'][0] filename = archive.construct_filename( tag=None, query=query ) with archive.new_local_file(filename) as f: logger.debug('write_numpy_nifti: write local file %s' % f.local_file) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(f.local_file), exist_ok=True) img.to_filename(f.local_file)
# def write_numpy_nifti(self, si, destination, opts): # """Write nifti data to file # # Args: # si (imagedata.Series): Series array # destination: dict of archive and filenames # opts: Output options (dict) # """ # # if si.color: # raise WriteNotImplemented( # "Writing color Nifti images not implemented.") # # # Write NIfTI object through transport plugin # archive: AbstractArchive = destination['archive'] # root: str = archive.root # filename_template = 'Image.nii.gz' # if len(destination['files']) > 0 and len(destination['files'][0]) > 0: # filename_template = destination['files'][0] # if archive.base is not None: # root = os.path.join(root, archive.base) # elif archive.base is not None: # filename_template = archive.base # try: # filename = filename_template % 0 # except TypeError: # filename = filename_template # # if len(os.path.splitext(filename)[1]) == 0: # filename = filename + '.nii.gz' # ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1] # if filename.endswith('.nii.gz'): # ext = '.nii.gz' # logger.debug('write_numpy_nifti: ext %s' % ext) # # logger.debug('NiftiPlugin.write_numpy_nifti: destination {}'.format(destination)) # img = self._save_dicom_to_nifti(si) # if issubclass(type(archive.transport), FileTransport) and \ # issubclass(type(archive), FilesystemArchive): # if root.endswith('.nii.gz') or root.endswith('.nii'): # # Short-cut for local files # os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(root), exist_ok=True) # img.to_filename(root) # return # elif filename.endswith('.nii.gz') or filename.endswith('.nii'): # # Short-cut for local files # os.makedirs(root, exist_ok=True) # img.to_filename(os.path.join(root, filename)) # return # # f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( # suffix=ext, delete=False) # logger.debug('write_numpy_nifti: write local file %s' % # img.to_filename( # f.close() # logger.debug('write_numpy_nifti: copy to file %s' % filename) # _ = archive.add_localfile(, filename) # os.unlink( def _save_dicom_to_nifti(self, si: Series) -> nibabel.Nifti1Image: """Convert DICOM to Nifti dcm2niix.saveDcm2Nii Args: si (Series): input Series instance Returns: (nibabel.Nifti1Image): nifti instance """ img = self._nii_load_image(si) slice_direction = 0 if si.slices > 1: slice_direction = self._header_dicom_to_nifti_2(img.header, si) if slice_direction < 0: img = self._nii_flip_slices(img) # slice_direction = abs(slice_direction) # img = self._nii_set_ortho(img) flip_y = True # Always if flip_y: img = self._nii_flip_y(img) return img def _nii_load_image(self, si): """Create Nifti1Image from Series dcm2niix.nii_loadImgXL Args: si (Series): input Series instance Returns: (nibabel.Nifti1Image): nifti instance """ hdr = self._header_dicom_to_nifti(si, compute_sform=True) img = nibabel.Nifti1Image(self._reorder_from_dicom(si, flipud=True), None, hdr) # img = self._nii_load_image_core(dcm, hdr) # if img is None: # return img # if hdr.get_data_dtype() == 128: # DT_RGB24 raw = hdr.structarr if raw['datatype'] == 128: # DT_RGB24 # Do this before Y-flip, or RGB order can be flipped img = self._nii_rgb_to_planar(img, hdr, si.isPlanarRGB) # if dcm.CSA.mosaicSlices > 1: # img = self._nii_de_mosaic(img, hdr, dcm.CSA.mosaicSlices # n_acq = si.slices # dim = hdr.get_data_shape() # if n_acq > 1 and (dim[2] % n_acq and dim[2] > n_acq): # # dim[3] = dim[2] // n_acq # # dim[2] = n_acq # dim = (dim[0], dim[1], n_acq, dim[2] // n_acq) # if hdr.dim[0] > 3 and dcm.patientPositionSequentialRepeats > 1: # # Swizzle 3rd and 4th dimension (Philips stores time as 3rd dimension) # img = self._nii_xytz_xyzt(img, hdr, dcm.patientPositionsSequentialRepeats) self._header_dicom_to_nifti_sform(hdr, si) return img # def _nii_load_image_core(self, dcm, hdr): # """dcm2niix.nii_loadImgCore # """ # raise Exception('Not implemented') # return img def _nii_rgb_to_planar(self, img, hdr, is_planar_rgb): """dcm2niix.nii_rgb2planar """ raise Exception('Not implemented') def _nii_xytz_xyzt(self, img, hdr, patient_positions_sequential_repeats): """dcm2niix.nii_XYTZ_XYZT """ raise Exception('Not implemented') def _header_dicom_to_nifti(self, dcm, compute_sform=False): """dcm2niix.headerDcm2Nii """ hdr = nibabel.Nifti1Header() if dcm.itemsize == 1 and dcm.axes[0].name == 'rgb': hdr.set_intent('estimate') hdr.set_data_dtype(dcm.dtype) hdr.set_data_shape(dcm.shape[::-1]) # hdr.set_slope_inter(slope, inter) ds, dr, dc = dcm.spacing if (dcm.ndim - dcm.color * 1) < 3: hdr.set_zooms((dc, dr)) elif (dcm.ndim - dcm.color * 1) < 4: hdr.set_zooms((dc, dr, ds)) else: if dcm.input_order == 'time': dt = dcm.timeline[1] - dcm.timeline[0] hdr.set_zooms((dc, dr, ds, dt)) else: hdr.set_zooms((dc, dr, ds, 1)) hdr.set_xyzt_units(xyz='mm', t='sec') affine = np.zeros((4, 4)) affine[0, 0] = -1 affine[1, 2] = 1 affine[2, 1] = -1 affine[0, 3] = dcm.shape[-1 - dcm.color*1] / 2 # C affine[1, 3] = dcm.shape[-2 - dcm.color*1] / 2 # R try: affine[2, 3] = dcm.shape[-3 - dcm.color*1] / 2 # S except IndexError: # Probably a 2D image pass hdr.set_qform(affine, NIFTI_XFORM_UNKNOWN) hdr.set_sform(affine, NIFTI_XFORM_SCANNER_ANAT) hdr.set_intent(NIFTI_INTENT_NONE) if compute_sform: self._header_dicom_to_nifti_2(hdr, dcm) return hdr def _header_dicom_to_nifti_2(self, hdr: nibabel.Nifti1Header, dcm: Series): """Set Nifti1 header from Series instance dcm2niix.headerDcm2Nii2 Args: hdr (nibabel.Nifti1Header): nifti header dcm (Series): Series instance Returns: sliceDir (int): 0=unknown,1=sag,2=coro,3=axial,-=reversed slices """ # """dcm2niix.headerDcm2Nii2""" # if hdr.slice_code == nibabel.NIFTI_SLICE_UNKNOWN: # hdr.set_slice_code(d.CSA.sliceOrder) # if hdr.slice_code == nibabel.NIFTI_SLICE_UNKNOWN: # hdr.set_slice_code(d2.CSA.sliceOrder) # txt = "TE=%.2g;TIME=%.3f".format(d.TE, d.acquisitionTime) # if d.CSA.phaseEncodingDirectionPositive >= 0: # txt += ";phase=%d".format(d.CSA.phaseEncodingDirectionPositive) inPlanePhaseEncodingDirection = dcm.getDicomAttribute('InPlanePhaseEncodingDirection') if inPlanePhaseEncodingDirection == 'ROW': hdr.set_dim_info(freq=1, phase=0, slice=2) elif inPlanePhaseEncodingDirection == 'COL': hdr.set_dim_info(freq=0, phase=1, slice=2) # if d.CSA.multiBandFactor > 1): # txt += ";mb=%d".format(d.CSA.multiBandFactor) # hdr.set_description(txt) return self._header_dicom_to_nifti_sform(hdr, dcm) def _header_dicom_to_nifti_sform(self, hdr: nibabel.Nifti1Header, dcm: Series): """dcm2niix.headerDcm2NiiSForm Args: hdr (nibabel.Nifti1Header): nifti header dcm (Series): Series instance Returns: sliceDir (int): 0=unknown,1=sag,2=coro,3=axial,-=reversed slices """ if dcm.slices < 2: # Do not care direction for single slice q44, slice_direction = self._set_nii_header_x(dcm) hdr.set_qform(q44, NIFTI_XFORM_SCANNER_ANAT) hdr.set_sform(q44, NIFTI_XFORM_SCANNER_ANAT) return slice_direction is_ok = False for i in range(6): if dcm.orientation[i] != 0.0: is_ok = True if not is_ok: # We will have to guess, # assume axial acquisition saved in standard Siemens style? dcm.orientation = [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1] q44, slice_direction = self._set_nii_header_x(dcm) hdr.set_qform(q44, NIFTI_XFORM_SCANNER_ANAT) hdr.set_sform(q44, NIFTI_XFORM_SCANNER_ANAT) return slice_direction def _set_nii_header_x(self, dcm: Series): """dcm2niix.set_nii_header_x Args: dcm (Series): Series instance Returns: q44 (numpy.ndarray): affine matrix sliceDir (int): 0=unknown,1=sag,2=coro,3=axial,-=reversed slices """ q44 = self._nifti_dicom_to_mat(dcm.orientation, dcm.imagePositions[0], dcm.spacing) # if dcm.isSegamiOasis: # q44 = np.array([[-h.pixdim[1], 0, 0, 0], # [0, -h.pixdim[2], 0, 0], # [0, 0, h.pixdim[3], 0], # [0, 0, 0, 0]]) # originVx = np.array([(h.dim[1]+1.0)/2, (h.dim[2]+1.0])/2, (h.dim[3]+1.0)/2]) # originMm = np.matmul(originVx, q44) # for i in range(4): # q44[i, 3] = -originMm[i] # Set origin to center voxel # return q44, slice_direction # if d.CSA.mosaicSlices > 1: # pass slice_direction = self._verify_slice_direction(dcm, q44) # LPS to nifti RAS, xform matrix before reorient q44[:2, :4] = -q44[:2, :4] return q44, slice_direction def _nifti_dicom_to_mat(self, orient, patient_position, spacing): """dcm2niix.nifti_dicom2mat Args: orient (np.ndarray): zyx patient_position (np.ndarray): image position of first slice, zyx spacing (np.ndarray):, ds, dr, dc """ q = np.array([[orient[2], orient[1], orient[0]], [orient[5], orient[4], orient[3]], [0, 0, 0]], dtype=np.float64) # Normalize row 0 val = q[0, 0] * q[0, 0] + q[0, 1] * q[0, 1] + q[0, 2] * q[0, 2] if val > 0.0: val = 1.0 / math.sqrt(val) q[0] = val * q[0] else: q[0, 0] = 1.0 q[0, 1] = 0.0 q[0, 2] = 0.0 # Normalize row 1 val = q[1, 0] * q[1, 0] + q[1, 1] * q[1, 1] + q[1, 2] * q[1, 2] if val > 0.0: val = 1.0 / math.sqrt(val) q[1] = val * q[1] else: q[1, 0] = 0.0 q[1, 1] = 1.0 q[1, 2] = 0.0 # Row 3 is the cross product of rows 1 and 2 q[2] = np.cross(q[0], q[1]) q = q.T if np.linalg.det(q) < 0: q[0, 2] = -q[0, 2] q[1, 2] = -q[1, 2] q[2, 2] = -q[2, 2] # Next scale matrix diag_vox = np.array([[spacing[2], 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, spacing[1], 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, spacing[0]]]) q = np.matmul(q, diag_vox) q44 = np.eye(4) q44[0:3, 0:3] = q q44[0:3, 3] = patient_position[::-1] return q44 def _verify_slice_direction(self, dcm: Series, r: np.ndarray): """dcm2niix.verify_slice_dir Args: dcm (Series): Series instance r (numpy.ndarray): affine matrix in nifti orientation Returns: sliceDir (int): 0=unknown,1=sag,2=coro,3=axial,-=reversed slices """ slice_direction = 0 if dcm.slices < 2: return slice_direction # find Z-slice direction: row with highest magnitude of 1st column slice_direction = 1 if (abs(r[1, 2]) >= abs(r[0, 2])) and (abs(r[1, 2]) >= abs(r[2, 2])): slice_direction = 2 if (abs(r[2, 2]) >= abs(r[0, 2])) and (abs(r[2, 2]) >= abs(r[1, 2])): slice_direction = 3 pos_dicom = None try: # Last slice in stack pos_dicom = dcm.imagePositions[dcm.slices-1][::-1][slice_direction-1] # zyx to xyz except ValueError: pass x = np.array([0.0, 0.0, dcm.slices-1.0, 1.0]) # pos1v = np.matmul(x, r) pos1v = _nifti_vect44mat44_mul(x, r) pos_nifti = pos1v[slice_direction-1] # -1 as C index from 0 if pos_dicom is None: # Do some guess work orient = dcm.orientation # in zyx read_v = np.array([orient[2], orient[1], orient[0]]) phase_v = np.array([orient[5], orient[4], orient[3]]) slice_v = np.cross(read_v, phase_v) flip = np.sum(slice_v) < 0 else: # same direction? note C indices from 0 flip = (pos_dicom > r[slice_direction-1, 3]) != (pos_nifti > r[slice_direction-1, 3]) if flip: r[:, 2] = -r[:, 2] slice_direction = -slice_direction return slice_direction def _verify_nifti_slice_direction(self, img: nibabel.Nifti1Image) -> int: """Calculate slice direction. Args: img (nibabel.Nifti1Image): nifti image instance Returns: sliceDir (int): 0=unknown,1=sag,2=coro,3=axial,-=reversed slices """ h = img.header slice_direction = 0 dim = h.get_data_shape() if dim[2] < 2: return slice_direction # find Z-slice direction: row with highest magnitude of 1st column q44 = h.get_sform() slice_direction = -1 # By convention all sagital series are reversed if (abs(q44[1, 2]) >= abs(q44[0, 2])) and (abs(q44[1, 2]) >= abs(q44[2, 2])): slice_direction = 2 if (abs(q44[2, 2]) >= abs(q44[0, 2])) and (abs(q44[2, 2]) >= abs(q44[1, 2])): slice_direction = 3 if slice_direction < 0: sform = h.get_sform()[:3, :3] q44 = h.get_sform() v = np.array([0, 0, dim[2] - 1, 1], dtype=float) v = _nifti_vect44mat44_mul(v, q44) # after flip this voxel will be the origin mFlipZ = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, -1]], dtype=np.float64) sform = np.matmul(sform, mFlipZ) q44[:3, :3] = sform q44[:, 3] = v q44[:2, :4] = -q44[:2, :4] # Swap rows 0 and 1 (Nifti RAS to LPS) img.set_qform(q44, NIFTI_XFORM_SCANNER_ANAT) img.set_sform(q44, NIFTI_XFORM_SCANNER_ANAT) return slice_direction def _nii_flip_slices(self, img: nibabel.Nifti1Image) -> nibabel.Nifti1Image: """Flip slice order in img dcm2niix.nii_flipZ Args: img (nibabel.Nifti1Image): nifti instance """ hdr = img.header dim = hdr.get_data_shape() if dim[2] < 2: return img sform = hdr.get_sform()[:3, :3] q44 = hdr.get_sform() v = np.array([0, 0, dim[2] - 1, 1], dtype=float) v = _nifti_vect44mat44_mul(v, q44) # after flip this voxel will be the origin mFlipZ = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, -1]], dtype=np.float64) sform = np.matmul(sform, mFlipZ) q44[:3, :3] = sform q44[:, 3] = v hdr.set_qform(q44, NIFTI_XFORM_SCANNER_ANAT) hdr.set_sform(q44, NIFTI_XFORM_SCANNER_ANAT) return self._nii_flip_image_slices(img) def _nii_flip_image_slices(self, img: nibabel.Nifti1Image) -> nibabel.Nifti1Image: """Flip slice order of actual image. DICOM slice order opposite of NIfTI. dcm2niix.nii_flipImgZ Args: img (nibabel.Nifti1Image): nifti instance """ hdr = img.header dim = hdr.get_data_shape() slices = dim[2] # note truncated toward zero, so half_volume=2 regardless of 4 or 5 slices half_volume = slices // 2 if half_volume < 1: return img data = np.asarray(img.dataobj) for z in range(half_volume): # swap order of slices tmp = np.array(data[:, :, z, ...]) data[:, :, z, ...] = data[:, :, slices - z - 1, ...] data[:, :, slices - z - 1, ...] = tmp return nibabel.Nifti1Image(data, img.affine, img.header) def _nii_set_ortho(self, img: nibabel.Nifti1Image): """ Set ortho Args: img (nibabel.Nifti1Image): nifti image """ def isMat44Canonical(R: np.ndarray) -> bool: # returns true if diagonals >0 and all others =0 # no rotation is necessary - already in perfect orthogonal alignment for i in range(3): for j in range(3): if (i == j) and (R[i, j] <= 0): return False if (i != j) and (R[i, j] != 0): return False return True def xyz2mm(R: np.ndarray, v: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: ret = np.zeros(3) for i in range(3): ret[i] = R[i, 0] * v[0] + R[i, 1] * v[1] + R[i, 2] * v[2] + R[i, 3] return ret def getDistance(v: np.ndarray, _min: np.ndarray) -> float: # Scalar distance between two 3D points - Pythagorean theorem return math.sqrt(math.pow((v[0] - _min[0]), 2) + math.pow((v[1] - _min[1]), 2) + math.pow((v[2] - _min[2]), 2)) def minCornerFlip(h: nibabel.Nifti1Header) -> tuple: # Orthogonal rotations and reflections applied as 3x3 matrices will cause the origin # to shift. A simple solution is to first compute the most left, posterior, inferior # voxel in the source image. This voxel will be at location i,j,k = 0,0,0, so we can # simply use this as the offset for the final 4x4 matrix... # vec3i flipVecs[8] # vec3 corner[8], min flipVecs = {} corner = {} # mat44 s = sFormMat(h); s = h.get_sform() dim = h.get_data_shape() for i in range(8): flipVecs[i] = np.zeros(3, dtype=int) flipVecs[i][0] = -1 if (i & 1) == 1 else 1 flipVecs[i][1] = -1 if (i & 2) == 1 else 1 flipVecs[i][2] = -1 if (i & 4) == 1 else 1 corner[i] = np.array([0., 0., 0.]) # assume no reflections if (flipVecs[i][0]) < 1: corner[i][0] = dim[0] - 1 # reflect X if (flipVecs[i][1]) < 1: corner[i][1] = dim[1] - 1 # reflect Y if (flipVecs[i][2]) < 1: corner[i][2] = dim[2] - 1 # reflect Z corner[i] = xyz2mm(s, corner[i]) # find extreme edge from ALL corners.... _min = corner[0] for i in range(8): for j in range(3): if corner[i][j] < _min[j]: _min[j] = corner[i][j] # dx: observed distance from corner min_dx = getDistance(corner[0], _min) min_index = 0 # index of corner closest to _min # see if any corner is closer to absmin than the first one... for i in range(8): dx = getDistance(corner[i], _min) if dx < min_dx: min_dx = dx min_index = i # _min = corner[minIndex] # this is the single corner closest to _min from all return corner[min_index], flipVecs[min_index] def getOrthoResidual(orig: np.ndarray, transform: np.ndarray) -> float: # mat33 mat = matDotMul33(orig, transform); mat = orig @ transform return np.sum(mat) def getBestOrient(R: np.ndarray, flipVec: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: # flipVec reports flip: [1 1 1]=no flips, [-1 1 1] flip X dimension # LOAD_MAT33(orig,R.m[0][0],R.m[0][1],R.m[0][2], # R.m[1][0],R.m[1][1],R.m[1][2], # R.m[2][0],R.m[2][1],R.m[2][2]); ret = np.eye(3) * flipVec orig = R[:3, :3] best = 0.0 for rot in range(6): # 6 rotations newmat = np.eye(3) if rot == 0: # LOAD_MAT33(newmat,flipVec.v[0],0,0, 0,flipVec.v[1],0, 0,0,flipVec.v[2]) newmat = np.eye(3) * flipVec elif rot == 1: # LOAD_MAT33(newmat,flipVec.v[0],0,0, 0,0,flipVec.v[1], 0,flipVec.v[2],0) newmat = np.array([[flipVec[0], 0, 0], [0, 0, flipVec[1]], [0, flipVec[2], 0]]) elif rot == 2: # LOAD_MAT33(newmat,0,flipVec.v[0],0, flipVec.v[1],0,0, 0,0,flipVec.v[2]) newmat = np.array([[0, flipVec[0], 0], [flipVec[1], 0, 0], [0, 0, flipVec[2]]]) elif rot == 3: # LOAD_MAT33(newmat,0,flipVec.v[0],0, 0,0,flipVec.v[1], flipVec.v[2],0,0) newmat = np.array([[0, flipVec[0], 0], [0, 0, flipVec[1]], [flipVec[2], 0, 0]]) elif rot == 4: # LOAD_MAT33(newmat,0,0,flipVec.v[0], flipVec.v[1],0,0, 0,flipVec.v[2],0) newmat = np.array([[0, 0, flipVec[0]], [flipVec[1], 0, 0], [0, flipVec[2], 0]]) elif rot == 5: # LOAD_MAT33(newmat,0,0,flipVec.v[0], 0,flipVec.v[1],0, flipVec.v[2],0,0) newmat = np.array([[0, 0, flipVec[0]], [0, flipVec[1], 0], [flipVec[2], 0, 0]]) newval = getOrthoResidual(orig, newmat) if newval > best: best = newval ret = newmat return ret def setOrientVec(m: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: # Assumes isOrthoMat NOT computed on INVERSE, hence return INVERSE of solution... # e.g. [-1,2,3] means reflect x axis, [2,1,3] means swap x and y dimensions ret = np.array([0, 0, 0], dtype=int) for i in range(3): for j in range(3): if m[i, j] > 0: ret[j] = i + 1 elif m[i, j] < 0: ret[j] = - (i + 1) return ret def orthoOffsetArray(dim: int, stepBytesPerVox: int) -> np.ndarray: # return lookup table of length dim with values incremented by stepBytesPerVox # e.g. if Dim=10 and stepBytes=2: 0,2,4..18, is stepBytes=-2 18,16,14...0 # size_t *lut= (size_t *)malloc(dim*sizeof(size_t)); lut = np.zeros(dim, dtype=int) if stepBytesPerVox > 0: lut[0] = 0 else: lut[0] = -stepBytesPerVox * (dim - 1) if dim > 1: for i in range(1, dim): lut[i] = lut[i - 1] + stepBytesPerVox return lut def reOrientImg(img: nibabel.Nifti1Image, outDim: np.ndarray, outInc: np.ndarray, nvol: int) -> nibabel.Nifti1Image: # Reslice data to new orientation # Generate look up tables xLUT = orthoOffsetArray(outDim[0], outInc[0]) yLUT = orthoOffsetArray(outDim[1], outInc[1]) zLUT = orthoOffsetArray(outDim[2], outInc[2]) # Convert data # number of voxels in spatial dimensions [1,2,3] perVol = outDim[0]*outDim[1]*outDim[2] # o = 0 # output address # inbuf = (uint8_t *) malloc(bytePerVol) # we convert 1 volume at a time # outbuf = (uint8_t *) img # source image inbuf = np.asarray(img.dataobj).flatten() # copy source volume outbuf = np.empty_like(inbuf) o = 0 for vol in range(nvol): # for each volume # memcpy(&inbuf[0], &outbuf[vol*bytePerVol], bytePerVol) # copy source volume for z in range(outDim[2]): for y in range(outDim[1]): for x in range(outDim[0]): # memcpy(&outbuf[o], &inbuf[xLUT[x]+yLUT[y]+zLUT[z]], bytePerVox) outbuf[o] = inbuf[vol * perVol + xLUT[x] + yLUT[y] + zLUT[z]] o += 1 outbuf = np.reshape(outbuf, tuple(outDim)) return nibabel.Nifti1Image(outbuf, img.affine, img.header) def reOrient(img, h, orientVec, orient, minMM): # e.g. [-1,2,3] means reflect x axis, [2,1,3] means swap x and y dimensions columns, rows, slices = h.get_data_shape() nvox = columns * rows * slices if nvox < 1: return img outDim = np.zeros(3, dtype=int) outInc = np.zeros(3, dtype=int) for i in range(3): # set dimensions, pixdim outDim[i] = h['dim'][abs(orientVec[i])] if abs(orientVec[i]) == 1: outInc[i] = 1 elif abs(orientVec[i]) == 2: outInc[i] = h['dim'][1] elif abs(orientVec[i]) == 3: outInc[i] = int(h['dim'][1]) * int(h['dim'][2]) if orientVec[i] < 0: outInc[i] = -outInc[i] # flip nvol = 1 # convert all non-spatial volumes from source to destination for vol in range(4, 8): if h['dim'][vol] > 1: nvol = nvol * h['dim'][vol] img = reOrientImg(img, outDim, outInc, nvol) # now change the header.... outPix = np.array([h['pixdim'][abs(orientVec[0])], h['pixdim'][abs(orientVec[1])], h['pixdim'][abs(orientVec[2])]]) for i in range(3): h['dim'][i + 1] = outDim[i] h['pixdim'][i + 1] = outPix[i] # mat44 s = sFormMat(h); s = h.get_sform() # mat33 mat; //computer transform # LOAD_MAT33(mat, s.m[0][0],s.m[0][1],s.m[0][2], # s.m[1][0],s.m[1][1],s.m[1][2], # s.m[2][0],s.m[2][1],s.m[2][2]); mat = s[:3, :3] # Computer transform # mat = matMul33( mat, orient); mat = mat @ orient # s = setMat44Vec(mat, minMM); //add offset s = np.eye(4) s[:3, :3] = mat s[:3, 3] = minMM # Add offset # mat2sForm(h,s); h.set_sform(s) # h->qform_code = h->sform_code; //apply to the quaternion as well _, sform_code = h.get_sform(coded=True) # float dumdx, dumdy, dumdz; # nifti_mat44_to_quatern(s, &h->quatern_b, &h->quatern_c, &h->quatern_d, # &h->qoffset_x, &h->qoffset_y, &h->qoffset_z, # &dumdx, &dumdy, &dumdz,&h->pixdim[0]) ; h.set_qform(s, code=sform_code) return img h = img.header s = h.get_sform() if isMat44Canonical(s): logger.debug("Image in perfect alignment: no need to reorient") return img flipV = np.zeros(3) minMM, flipV = minCornerFlip(h) orient = getBestOrient(s, flipV) orientVec = setOrientVec(orient) if orientVec[0] == 1 and orientVec[1] == 2 and orientVec[2] == 3: logger.debug("Image already near best orthogonal alignment: no need to reorient") return img img = reOrient(img, h, orientVec, orient, minMM) logger.debug("NewRotation= %d %d %d\n", orientVec[0], orientVec[1], orientVec[2]) logger.debug("MinCorner= %.2f %.2f %.2f\n", minMM[0], minMM[1], minMM[2]) return img def _nii_flip_y(self, img: nibabel.Nifti1Image) -> nibabel.Nifti1Image: """Flip image along Y direction. dcm2niix.nii_flipY Args: img (nibabel.Nifti1Image): input instance Returns: (nibabel.Nifti1Image): flipped nifti image """ hdr = img.header dim = hdr.get_data_shape() s = hdr.get_sform()[:3, :3] q44 = hdr.get_sform() v = np.array([0, dim[1] - 1, 0, 1], dtype=float) v = _nifti_vect44mat44_mul(v, q44) m_flip_y = np.eye(3, dtype=float) m_flip_y[1, 1] = -1 s = np.matmul(s, m_flip_y) q44[:3, :3] = s q44[:3, 3] = v[:3] img.set_qform(q44, NIFTI_XFORM_SCANNER_ANAT) img.set_sform(q44, NIFTI_XFORM_SCANNER_ANAT) return self._nii_flip_image_y(img) def _nii_flip_image_y(self, img: nibabel.Nifti1Image) -> nibabel.Nifti1Image: """Flip image data along Y direction. dcm2niix.nii_flipImgY Args: img (nibabel.Nifti1Image): input instance Returns: (nibabel.Nifti1Image): flipped nifti image """ hdr = img.header dim = hdr.get_data_shape() y_size = dim[1] half_y = y_size // 2 data = np.asarray(img.dataobj) # Swap order of Y lines for y in range(half_y): tmp = np.array(data[:, y, ...]) data[:, y, ...] = data[:, y_size - y - 1, ...] data[:, y_size - y - 1, ...] = tmp return nibabel.Nifti1Image(data, img.affine, img.header)
def _nifti_vect44mat44_mul(v, m): """multiply vector * 4x4matrix """ vO = np.zeros(4) for i in range(4): # multiply Pcrs * m for j in range(4): vO[i] += m[i, j] * v[j] return vO