Source code for imagedata.series

"""Image series

The Series class is a subclassed Numpy.ndarray enhancing the array with relevant medical image
methods and attributes.

  Typical example usage:

  si = Series('input')


from typing import Tuple
import copy
import numbers
import numpy as np
import logging
from pathlib import PurePath
import pydicom.dataset
import pydicom.datadict

from .axis import UniformAxis, UniformLengthAxis, VariableAxis
from .formats import input_order_to_dirname_str, shape_to_str, input_order_set, sort_on_set
from .formats.dicomlib.uid import get_uid_for_storage_class
from .readdata import read as r_read, write as r_write
from .header import Header
# from ._methods import (max, nanmax, min, nanmin, __sub__, multiply,
#                        __mul__, __imul__, __rmul__, __rmatmul__, __matmul__, __truediv__, rint)

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class DoNotSetSlicesError(Exception):

[docs] class Series(np.ndarray): """Series -- a multidimensional array of medical imaging pixels. The Series class is a subclassed numpy.ndarray enhancing the ndarray with relevant medical image methods and attributes. Examples: Read the contents of an input directory >>> image = Series('directory/') Make a Series instance from a Numpy.ndarray >>> a = np.eye(128) >>> image = Series(a) Args: data (array_like or URL): Input data, either explicit as np.ndarray, np.uint16, np.float32, or by URL to input data. input_order (str): How to sort the input data. Typical values are: - 'auto' : auto-detect sort criteria (default). - 'none' : 3D volume or 2D slice. - 'time' : Time-resolved data. - 'b' : Diffusion data with variable b values. - 'te' : Varying echo times. - 'fa' : Varying flip angles. opts (argparse.Namespace or dict): Dict of input options, mostly for format specific plugins. input_format (str): Specify a particular input format. Default: None (auto-detect). shape (tuple of ints): Specifying shape of input data. dtype (numpy.dtype): Numpy data type. Default: float. template (Series, array_like or URL): Input data to use as template for DICOM header. geometry (Series, array_like or URL): Input data to use as template for geometry. axes (list of Axis): Set axes for new instance. order: Row-major (C-style) or column-major (Fortran-style) order, {'C', 'F'}, optional Returns: Series: Series instance """ name = "Series" description = "Image series" authors = "Erling Andersen" version = "1.2.0" url = "" viewer = None latest_roi_parameters = None def __new__(cls, data, input_order='auto', opts=None, input_format=None, shape=(0,), dtype=float, buffer=None, offset=0, strides=None, order=None, template=None, geometry=None, axes=None): if issubclass(type(template), Series): template = template.header if issubclass(type(geometry), Series): geometry = geometry.header if issubclass(type(data), np.ndarray): logger.debug('Series.__new__: data ({}) is subclass of np.ndarray'.format(type(data))) obj = np.asarray(data).view(cls) # Initialize attributes to defaults # cls.__init_attributes(cls, obj) # obj.header = Header() # Already set in __array_finalize__ # set the new 'input_order' attribute to the value passed if input_order == 'auto': obj.header.input_order = 'none' else: obj.header.input_order = input_order if issubclass(type(data), Series): # Copy attributes from existing Series to newly created obj obj.header = copy.copy(data.header) # carry forward attributes obj.input_order = data.input_order obj.header.add_template(data.header) # Includes DicomHeaderDict obj.header.add_geometry(data.header) else: obj.header.set_default_values(obj.axes if axes is None else axes) # obj.header.set_default_values() # Already done in __array_finalize__ if axes is not None: obj.header.axes = copy.copy(axes) obj.header.add_template(template) obj.header.add_geometry(geometry) return obj logger.debug('Series.__new__: data is NOT subclass of Series, type {}'.format(type(data))) # Assuming data is url to input data if isinstance(data, np.compat.basestring) or issubclass(type(data), PurePath): urls = data elif isinstance(data, list): urls = data else: if np.ndim(data) == 0: obj = np.asarray([data]).view(cls) else: obj = np.asarray(data).view(cls) # cls.__init_attributes(cls, obj) obj.header = Header() if input_order == 'auto': obj.header.input_order = 'none' else: obj.header.input_order = input_order obj.header.input_format = type(data) if np.ndim(data) == 0: obj.header.axes = [UniformAxis('number', 0, 1)] obj.header.set_default_values(obj.axes if axes is None else axes) obj.header.add_template(template) obj.header.add_geometry(geometry) return obj # Read input, hdr is dict of attributes hdr, si = r_read(urls, input_order, opts, input_format) obj = np.asarray(si).view(cls) assert obj.header, "No Header found in obj.header" # Copy attributes from hdr dict to newly created obj logger.debug('Series.__new__: Copy attributes from hdr dict to newly created obj') if axes is not None: obj.axes = copy.copy(axes) elif hdr.axes is not None: obj.axes = hdr.axes obj.header.set_default_values(obj.axes) obj.header.add_template(hdr) obj.header.add_geometry(hdr) # for attr in __attributes(hdr): # __set_attribute(obj.header, attr, __get_attribute(template, attr)) # setattr(obj.header, attr, hdr[attr]) # Store any template and geometry headers, obj.header.add_template(template) obj.header.add_geometry(geometry) # set the new 'input_order' attribute to the value passed obj.header.input_order = hdr.input_order obj.header.input_format = hdr.input_format obj.header.windowCenter = hdr.windowCenter obj.header.windowWidth = hdr.windowWidth # Finally, we must return the newly created object return obj def __array_finalize__(self, obj) -> None: # logger.debug("Series.__array_finalize__: entered obj: {}".format(type(obj))) # ``self`` is a new object resulting from # ndarray.__new__(Series, ...), therefore it only has # attributes that the ndarray.__new__ constructor gave it - # i.e. those of a standard ndarray. # # We could have got to the ndarray.__new__ call in 3 ways: # From an explicit constructor - e.g. Series(): # obj is None # (we're in the middle of the Series.__new__ # constructor, and self.__input_order will be set when we return to # Series.__new__) if obj is None: return # From view casting - e.g arr.view(Series): # obj is arr # (type(obj) can be Series) # From new-from-template - e.g Series[:3] # type(obj) is Series # # Note that it is here, rather than in the __new__ method, # that we set the default value for 'input_order', because this # method sees all creation of default objects - with the # Series.__new__ constructor, but also with arr.view(Series). # logger.debug("Series.__array_finalize__: obj: {}".format(type(obj))) # if issubclass(type(obj), Series): if hasattr(obj, 'header') and issubclass(type(obj.header), Header): # Copy attributes from obj to newly created self # logger.debug('Series.__array_finalize__: Copy attributes from {}'.format(type(obj))) # self.__dict__ = obj.__dict__.copy() # carry forward attributes self.header = copy.copy(obj.header) # carry forward attributes else: self.header = Header() self.header.set_default_values(self.axes) self.windowCenter = None self.windowWidth = None # We do not need to return anything def __array_ufunc__(self, ufunc, method, *inputs, **kwargs): args = [] if 'where' in kwargs: if issubclass(type(kwargs['where']), Series): kwargs['where'] = kwargs['where'].view(np.ndarray) for i, input_ in enumerate(inputs): if issubclass(type(input_), np.ndarray) and input_.dtype.fields is not None: # Delegate structured dtypes to __array_ufunc_struct__ return self.__array_ufunc_struct__(ufunc, method, *inputs, **kwargs) if issubclass(type(input_), Series): args.append(input_.view(np.ndarray)) else: args.append(input_) outputs = kwargs.pop('out', None) if outputs: out_args = [] for j, output in enumerate(outputs): if issubclass(type(output), Series): out_args.append(output.view(np.ndarray)) else: out_args.append(output) kwargs['out'] = tuple(out_args) else: outputs = (None,) * ufunc.nout results = super(Series, self).__array_ufunc__(ufunc, method, *args, **kwargs) # results = getattr(ufunc, method)(*inputs, **kwargs) if results is NotImplemented: return NotImplemented if method == 'at': # if issubclass(type(inputs[0]), Series): # inputs[0].header = info return if ufunc.nout == 1: if np.isscalar(results): return results # Do not pack scalar results as Series object results = (results,) results = tuple((np.asarray(result).view(Series) if output is None else output) for result, output in zip(results, outputs)) if results and issubclass(type(results[0]), Series): results[0].header = self._unify_headers(inputs) try: results[0].header.windowCenter = None results[0].header.windowWidth = None except AttributeError: pass return results[0] if len(results) == 1 else results def __array_ufunc_struct__(self, ufunc, method, *inputs, **kwargs): struct_dtype = None field_names = None if 'where' in kwargs: if issubclass(type(kwargs['where']), Series): kwargs['where'] = kwargs['where'].view(np.ndarray) for i, input_ in enumerate(inputs): if not (not issubclass(type(input_), np.ndarray) or not ( input_.dtype.fields is not None)) and struct_dtype is None: struct_dtype = input_.dtype field_names = input_.dtype.names if issubclass(type(input_), Series): if input_.dtype.names != field_names: # Require same field names, not necessarily same datatypes raise IndexError('Structured dtype differ: {} vs {}'.format( field_names, input_.dtype.names )) outputs = kwargs.pop('out', None) if outputs: out_args = [] for j, output in enumerate(outputs): if output.dtype.fields is not None: raise IndexError('Output struct dtype not implemented') if issubclass(type(output), Series): out_args.append(output.view(np.ndarray)) else: out_args.append(output) kwargs['out'] = tuple(out_args) else: outputs = (None,) * ufunc.nout _results = {} # Assume each channel of dtype struct can be calculated independently results_dtype = [] for field in field_names: args = [] for input_ in inputs: if issubclass(type(input_), Series): if input_.dtype.fields is not None: args.append(input_[field].view(np.ndarray)) else: args.append(input_.view(np.ndarray)) else: args.append(input_) # _results[_channel] = super(Series, self).__array_ufunc__(ufunc, method, # *args, **kwargs) results = self.__array_ufunc__(ufunc, method, *args, **kwargs) if results is NotImplemented: return NotImplemented if method == 'at': return if not np.isscalar(results): results.header = self._unify_headers(inputs) results.header.windowCenter = None results.header.windowWidth = None results_dtype.append((field, results.dtype)) else: results_dtype.append((field, type(results))) _results[field] = results if ufunc.nout == 1: if np.isscalar(results): _list = [] for field in field_names: _list.append(_results[field]) return tuple(tuple(_list)) # raise ValueError("ufunc on _results") # return results # Do not pack scalar results as Series object # # results = (results,) # else: if ufunc.nout != 1: raise ValueError('What to do with multiple color results?') # results = _results['R'].to_channels( results = self.to_channels( [_results[field] for field in field_names], field_names ) return results if outputs[0] is None else outputs[0] # results = tuple((result # if output is None else output) # for result, output in zip(results, outputs)) # return results[0] if len(results) == 1 else results # # if results and issubclass(type(results[0]), Series): # results[0].header = self._unify_headers(inputs) # if results[0].header is not None: # _level, _width = results[0].__calculate_window() # results[0].header.windowCenter = _level # results[0].header.windowWidth = _width # # return results[0] if len(results) == 1 else results @staticmethod def _unify_headers(inputs: tuple) -> Header: """Unify the headers of the inputs. Typical usage is in expressions like c = a + b where at least one of the arguments is a Series instance. This function will provide a header for the result of the expression. Args: inputs (ndarray or Series): a tuple of arguments Returns: Header: Unified header. """ header = None # logger.debug('Series._unify_headers: inputs {}'.format(len(inputs))) for i, input_ in enumerate(inputs): # logger.debug('Series._unify_headers: input {}: {}'.format(i, type(input_))) if issubclass(type(input_), Series): if input_.header is None: # logger.debug('Series._unify_headers: new header') header = Header() header.input_order = INPUT_ORDER_NONE else: # logger.debug('Series._unify_headers: copy header') header = copy.copy(input_.header) header.input_order = input_.input_order header.set_default_values(input_.axes) header.add_template(input_.header) # Includes DicomHeaderDict header.add_geometry(input_.header) # Here we could have compared the headers of # the arguments and resolved discrepancies. # The simplest resolution, however, is to take the # header of the first argument. return header def __getitem__(self, item): """__getitem__(self, item) Called to implement evaluation of self[item]. The accepted items should be integers and slice objects. Note that the special interpretation of negative indexes (if the class wishes to emulate a sequence type) is up to the __getitem__() method. If item is of an inappropriate type, TypeError may be raised; if of a value outside the set of indexes for the sequence (after any special interpretation of negative values), IndexError should be raised. Note: for loops expect that an IndexError will be raised for illegal indexes to allow proper detection of the end of the sequence. """ def _set_geometry(_ret, _todo): # Ensure 'axes' is set first for i in range(len(_todo)): attr, value = _todo[i] if attr == 'axes': setattr(_ret, attr, value) _todo.pop(i) break for attr, value in _todo: try: setattr(_ret, attr, value) except (AttributeError, ValueError): pass def _number_of_ellipses(_items): n = 0 # type: int for _item in _items: if _item is Ellipsis: n += 1 return n def _calculate_spec(obj, _items): _slicing = False _spec = {} if issubclass(type(obj), Series): # Calculate slice range try: for _dim in range(obj.ndim): # Loop over actual array shape # Initial start,stop,step,axis _spec[_dim] = (0, obj.shape[_dim], 1, obj.axes[_dim]) except (AttributeError, NameError): raise ValueError('No header in _calculate_spec') except IndexError: # Probably an obj without axes property return False, _spec # Determine how to loop over slice spec and items if _number_of_ellipses(_items) > 1: raise IndexError('Multiple ellipses are not allowed.') # Assume Ellipsis anywhere in items index_spec = [] index_item = [] for _item in range(len(_items)): if _items[_item] is not Ellipsis: index_spec.append(_item) index_item.append(_item) else: # Ellipsis remaining_items = len(_items) - _item - 1 index_spec += range(len(_spec) - remaining_items, len(_spec)) index_item += range(len(_items) - remaining_items, len(_items)) break if len(index_spec) != len(index_item): raise IndexError('Index problem: spec length %d, items length %d' % (len(index_spec), len(index_item))) for _item in index_item: # If any item is of unknown type, we will not slice the data if not isinstance(_items[_item], slice) and not isinstance(_items[_item], int): return _slicing, _spec for _dim, _item in zip(index_spec, index_item): if isinstance(_items[_item], slice): _start = _items[_item].start or _spec[_dim][0] _stop = _items[_item].stop or _spec[_dim][1] _step = _items[_item].step or _spec[_dim][2] if _start < 0: _start = obj.shape[_dim] + _start if _stop < 0: _stop = obj.shape[_dim] + _stop _spec[_dim] = (_start, _stop, _step, obj.axes[_dim]) _slicing = True elif isinstance(_items[_item], int): _start = _items[_item] or _spec[_dim][0] if _start < 0: _start = obj.shape[_dim] + _start _stop = _start + 1 _step = 1 _spec[_dim] = (_start, _stop, _step, obj.axes[_dim]) _slicing = True return _slicing, _spec if getattr(self, 'header', None) is None: return super(Series, self).__getitem__(item) if isinstance(item, tuple): items = item else: items = (item,) slicing, spec = _calculate_spec(self, items) todo = [] # Collect header changes, apply after ndarray slicing reduce_dim = False # Whether the slicing reduces the dimension if slicing: # Here we slice the header information new_axes = [] for i in range(self.ndim): # Slice dimension i start, stop, step, axis = spec[i] new_axes.append(axis[start:stop:step]) if == 'slice': # Select slice of imagePositions sl = self.sliceLocations[start:stop:step] todo.append(('sliceLocations', sl)) try: ipp = self.__get_imagePositions(spec[i]) todo.append(('imagePositions', None)) # Wipe existing positions if ipp is not None: todo.append(('imagePositions', ipp)) except KeyError: pass elif == input_order_to_dirname_str(self.input_order): # Select slice of tags tags = self.__get_tags(spec) todo.append(('tags', tags)) if len(tags[0]) == 1: reduce_dim = True # # Select slice of DicomHeaderDict # hdr = self.__get_DicomHeaderDict(spec) # todo.append(('DicomHeaderDict', hdr)) # Slicing the ndarray is done here ret = super(Series, self).__getitem__(item) # if slicing and issubclass(type(ret), Series): if issubclass(type(ret), Series): # noinspection PyUnboundLocalVariable if slicing: todo.append(('axes', new_axes[-ret.ndim:])) if reduce_dim: # Must copy the ret object before modifying. Otherwise, ret is a view to self. ret.header = copy.copy(ret.header) if ret.axes[-ret.ndim].name in ['slice', 'row', 'column']: ret.input_order = INPUT_ORDER_NONE else: raise IndexError('Unexpected axis {} after slicing'.format(ret.axes[0].name)) _set_geometry(ret, todo) new_uid = ret.header.new_uid() ret.seriesInstanceUID = new_uid # ret.setDicomAttribute('SeriesInstanceUID', ret.header.new_uid()) ret.seriesInstanceUID = new_uid elif isinstance(ret, np.void): ret = tuple(ret) return ret def __get_sliceLocations(self, spec): # logger.debug('__get_sliceLocations: enter') try: sl = self.sliceLocations except ValueError: return None start, stop, step = 0, self.slices, 1 if spec[0] is not None: start = spec[0] if spec[1] is not None: stop = spec[1] if spec[2] is not None: step = spec[2] sl = np.array(sl[start:stop:step]) # logger.debug('__get_sliceLocations: exit') return sl def __get_imagePositions(self, spec): # logger.debug('__get_imagePositions: enter') try: ipp = self.imagePositions except ValueError: return None start, stop, step = 0, self.slices, 1 if spec[0] is not None: start = spec[0] if spec[1] is not None: stop = spec[1] if spec[2] is not None: step = spec[2] ippdict = {} j = 0 # logger.debug('__get_imagePositions: start,stop={},{}'.format(spec[0], stop)) for i in range(start, stop, step): if i < 0: raise ValueError('i < 0') ippdict[j] = ipp[i] j += 1 # logger.debug('__get_imagePositions: exit') return ippdict # def __get_DicomHeaderDict(self, specs): # try: # slices = len(self.DicomHeaderDict) # except ValueError: # return None # slice_spec = slice(0, slices, 1) # assert len(self.tags) > 0, "No tags defined" # tags = len(self.tags[0]) # tag_spec = slice(0, tags, 1) # for d in specs: # start, stop, step, axis = specs[d] # if == 'slice': # slice_spec = slice(start, stop, step) # elif == input_order_to_dirname_str(self.input_order): # tag_spec = slice(start, stop, step) # # DicomHeaderDict[slice].tuple(tagvalue, filename, dicomheader) # hdr = {} # j = 0 # for s in range(slice_spec.start, slice_spec.stop, slice_spec.step): # _slice = min(s, slices - 1) # hdr[j] = list() # for t in range(tag_spec.start, tag_spec.stop, tag_spec.step): # try: # tag = self.tags[_slice][t] # except IndexError: # raise IndexError("Could not get tag for slice {}, tag {}".format(_slice, t)) # try: # hdr[j].append( # self.__find_tag_in_hdr(self.DicomHeaderDict[_slice], tag) # ) # except TypeError: # return None # j += 1 # # return hdr def __repr__(self): return super().__repr__() def __str__(self): try: patientID = self.patientID except ValueError: patientID = '' try: patientName = self.patientName except ValueError: patientName = '' try: modality = self.getDicomAttribute('Modality') except ValueError: modality = '' try: seriesDescription = self.seriesDescription except ValueError: seriesDescription = '' try: seriesNumber = self.seriesNumber except ValueError: seriesNumber = 0 return "Patient: {} {}\n".format(patientID, patientName) + \ "Study Time: {} {}\n".format( self.getDicomAttribute('StudyDate'), self.getDicomAttribute('StudyTime') ) + \ "Series Time: {} {}\n".format( self.getDicomAttribute('SeriesDate'), self.getDicomAttribute('SeriesTime') ) + \ "Series #{} {}: {}\n".format(seriesNumber, modality, seriesDescription) + \ "Shape: {}, dtype: {}, input order: {}".format( shape_to_str(self.shape), self.dtype, input_order_to_dirname_str(self.input_order) ) @staticmethod def __find_tag_in_hdr(hdr_list, find_tag): for tag, filename, hdr in hdr_list: if tag == find_tag: return tag, filename, hdr return None def __get_tags(self, specs): try: tmpl_tags = self.tags _ = len(self.tags) - 1 # known_slices might be less than actual data shape tags = len(self.tags[0]) except ValueError: return None slice_spec = slice(0, self.slices, 1) tag_spec = slice(0, tags, 1) for d in specs: start, stop, step, axis = specs[d] if == "slice": slice_spec = slice(start, stop, step) elif == input_order_to_dirname_str(self.input_order): tag_spec = slice(start, stop, step) # tags: dict[slice] is np.array(tags) new_tags = {} j = 0 for s in range(slice_spec.start, slice_spec.stop, slice_spec.step): new_tags[j] = list() for t in range(tag_spec.start, tag_spec.stop, tag_spec.step): # Limit slices to the known slices. Duplicates last slice and/or tag if too few. try: new_tags[j].append(tmpl_tags[s][t]) except IndexError: raise IndexError("Could not get tag for slice {}, tag {}".format(s, t)) j += 1 return new_tags def __calculate_window(self): if np.issubdtype(self.dtype, np.integer): _min_value = np.nanmin(self) _max_value = np.nanmax(self) _width = np.float32(_max_value) - np.float32(_min_value) _level = (np.float32(_min_value) + np.float32(_max_value)) / 2 if abs(_width) > 2: _width = round(_width) if abs(_level) > 2: _level = round(_level) elif self.dtype == np.dtype([('R', 'u1'), ('G', 'u1'), ('B', 'u1')]): # RGB image _level = 127 _width = 256 elif self.dtype.fields is not None: # Structured dtype _min_value = np.inf _max_value = -np.inf for field in self.dtype.fields: _min_value = min(_min_value, np.float32(np.nanmin(self[field]))) _max_value = max(_max_value, np.float32(np.nanmax(self[field]))) _width = _max_value - _min_value _level = np.float32((_min_value + _max_value) / 2) else: _min_value = np.float32(np.nanmin(self)) _max_value = np.float32(np.nanmax(self)) _width = _max_value - _min_value _level = np.float32((_min_value + _max_value) / 2) return _level, _width
[docs] def write(self, url, opts=None, formats=None): """Write Series image Args: url (str): Output URL. opts (argparse.Namespace or dict): Output options. formats (list or str): list of output formats, overriding opts.output_format. DICOMPlugin accept these opts: - "keep_uid": whether we will keep existing SOP Instance UID (bool). - "window": "original" will keep window center/level DICOM attributes, not recalculate from present data (str). - "output_sort": Which tag will sort the output images (int). Values: SORT_ON_SLICE, SORT_ON_TAG. Default: SORT_ON_SLICE. - "output_dir": Store all images in a single or multiple directories (str). Values: "single", "multi". Default: "single" - input_order: DICOM tag for given input_order (str). """ logger.debug('Series.write: url : {}'.format(url)) logger.debug('Series.write: formats: {}'.format(formats)) logger.debug('Series.write: opts : {}'.format(opts)) r_write(self, url, formats=formats, opts=opts)
@property def input_order(self): """str: Input order How to sort input files: * INPUT_ORDER_NONE ('none'): No sorting. * INPUT_ORDER_TIME ('time'): Sort on image time (acquisition time or trigger time). * INPUT_ORDER_B ('b'): Sort on b value. * INPUT_ORDER_FA ('fa'): Sort on flip angle. * INPUT_ORDER_TE ('te'): Sort on echo time. * INPUT_ORDER_FAULTY ('faulty'): Correct erroneous attributes. Raises: ValueError: when order is illegal. """ return self.header.input_order @input_order.setter def input_order(self, order): if order in input_order_set: self.header.input_order = order else: raise ValueError("Unknown input order: {}".format(order)) @property def input_format(self): """str: Input format Possible input formats depend on the available `formats` plugins, and include `'dicom'`, `'itk'` and `'nifti'`. """ return self.header.input_format @input_format.setter def input_format(self, fmt): self.header.input_format = fmt @property def input_sort(self): """int: Input order How to sort output files: * SORT_ON_SLICE: Run over slices first * SORT_ON_TAG : Run over input order first, then slices Raises: ValueError: when input order is not defined. """ try: if self.header.input_sort is not None: return self.header.input_sort except AttributeError: pass raise ValueError("Input sort order not set.") @input_sort.setter def input_sort(self, order): if order is None or order in sort_on_set: self.header.input_sort = order else: raise ValueError("Unknown sort order: {}".format(order)) @property def sort_on(self): """int: Output order How to sort output files: * SORT_ON_SLICE: Run over slices first * SORT_ON_TAG : Run over input order first, then slices Raises: ValueError: when output order is not defined. """ try: if self.header.sort_on is not None: return self.header.sort_on except AttributeError: pass raise ValueError("Output sort order not set.") @sort_on.setter def sort_on(self, order): if order in sort_on_set: self.header.sort_on = order else: raise ValueError("Unknown sort order: {}".format(order)) @property def shape(self): """tuple of ints: Matrix shape. Raises: IndexError: always when set (do not set shape). Should set axes instead. """ return super(Series, self).shape @shape.setter def shape(self, s): raise IndexError('Should set axes instead of shape.') @property def rows(self): """int: Number of rows. Raises: ValueError: when number of rows is not defined. """ try: row_axis = self.find_axis('row') return len(row_axis) except ValueError: if self.ndim < 2: raise ValueError("{}D dataset has no rows".format(self.ndim)) return self.shape[-2] @property def columns(self): """int: Number of columns. Raises: ValueError: when number of columns is not defined. """ try: column_axis = self.find_axis('column') return len(column_axis) except ValueError: if self.ndim < 1: raise ValueError("Dataset has no columns") return self.shape[-1] @property def slices(self): """int: Number of slices. Raises: ValueError: when number of slices is not defined. DoNotSetSlicesError: Always (do not set slices) """ try: slice_axis = self.find_axis('slice') # logger.debug("Series.slices: {}D dataset slice_axis {}".format( # self.ndim, slice_axis)) return len(slice_axis) except ValueError: if self.ndim < 3: # logger.debug("Series.slices: {}D dataset has no slices".format(self.ndim)) # raise ValueError("{}D dataset has no slices".format(self.ndim)) return 1 # logger.debug("Series.slices: {}D dataset slice from shape ({}) {}".format( # self.ndim, self.shape, self.shape[-3 - _color])) return self.shape[-3] @slices.setter def slices(self, nslices): raise DoNotSetSlicesError('Do not set slices=%d explicitly. Slices are inferred ' 'from the shape.' % nslices) @property def sliceLocations(self): """numpy.ndarray: Slice locations. Sorted numpy array of slice locations, in mm. Raises: ValueError: When no slice locations are defined. """ if self.header.sliceLocations is not None: return self.header.sliceLocations try: # Some image formats do not provide slice locations. # If orientation and imagePositions are set, slice locations can # be calculated. if self.header.orientation is not None and self.header.imagePositions is not None: logger.debug( 'sliceLocations: calculate {} slice from orientation and ' 'imagePositions'.format(self.slices)) loc = np.empty(self.slices) normal = self.transformationMatrix[0, :3] for _slice in range(self.slices): loc[_slice] = np.inner(normal, self.imagePositions[_slice].flatten()) self.header.sliceLocations = loc return self.header.sliceLocations except AttributeError: pass except Exception: pass raise ValueError("Slice locations are not defined.") @sliceLocations.setter def sliceLocations(self, loc): def _is_uniform_spacing(loc): # sort slice locations _locations = {} _location0 = loc[0] for _location in loc[1:]: _locations[_location - _location0] = True _location0 = _location return len(_locations) == 1 if loc is None or len(loc) < 1: raise ValueError('Cannot set slice locations to empty list') if len(loc) != self.slices: raise ValueError('Cannot set {} slice locations for {} slices'.format( len(loc), self.slices )) self.header.sliceLocations = loc if _is_uniform_spacing(loc): if len(loc) > 1: ds = loc[1] - loc[0] else: ds = self.spacing[0] _axis = UniformLengthAxis('slice', loc[0], len(loc), ds) else: _axis = VariableAxis('slice', loc) for i, axis in enumerate(self.axes): if == 'slice': # Replace axis self.axes[i] = _axis return # raise ValueError("No slice axis object exist")
[docs] def get_slice_axis(self): """Get the slice axis instance. """ try: return self.find_axis('slice') except ValueError: return None
[docs] def get_tag_axis(self): """Get the tax axis instance. """ try: return self.find_axis(self.input_order) except ValueError: return None
# @property # def DicomHeaderDict(self): # """dict: DICOM header dictionary # # DicomHeaderDict[slice].tuple(tagvalue, filename, dicomheader) # # Raises: # ValueError: when DICOM header is not set. # # Examples: # Get values for slice=0: # # >>> si = Series(np.eye(128)) # >>> tagvalue, filename, dicomheader = si.DicomHeaderDict()[0] # """ # # logger.debug('Series.DicomHeaderDict: here') # try: # if self.header.DicomHeaderDict is not None: # # logger.debug('Series.DicomHeaderDict: return') # # logger.debug('Series.DicomHeaderDict: return {}'.format( # # type(self.header.DicomHeaderDict))) # # logger.debug('Series.DicomHeaderDict: return {}'.format( # # self.header.DicomHeaderDict.keys())) # return self.header.DicomHeaderDict # except AttributeError: # pass # raise ValueError("Dicom Header Dict is not set.") # # @DicomHeaderDict.setter # def DicomHeaderDict(self, dct): # self.header.DicomHeaderDict = dct @property def tags(self): """dict[slice] of numpy.ndarray(tags): Image tags for each slice Image tags can be an array of: - time points - diffusion weightings (b values) - flip angles Setting the tags will adjust the tags in DicomHeaderDict too. tags is a dict with (slice keys, tag array) dict[slice] is np.ndarray(tags) Examples: >>>self.tags[slice][tag] Raises: ValueError: when tags are not set. """ try: if self.header.tags is not None: return self.header.tags except AttributeError: pass return None @tags.setter def tags(self, tags): self.header.tags = {} # hdr = {} for s in tags.keys(): self.header.tags[s] = np.array(tags[s]) # hdr[s] = list() # max_t = len(self.header.DicomHeaderDict[s]) - 1 # for t in range(len(tags[s])): # if t <= max_t: # wrongtag, filename, dcm = self.header.DicomHeaderDict[s][t] # hdr[s].append( # (tags[s][t], filename, dcm) # ) # else: # # Copy last DicomHeaderDict # wrongtag, filename, dcm = self.header.DicomHeaderDict[s][max_t] # hdr[s].append( # (tags[s][t], None, dcm) # ) # self.header.DicomHeaderDict = hdr @property def axes(self): """list of Axis: axes objects, sorted like shape indices. Raises: ValueError: when the axes are not set. """ try: if self.header.axes is not None: return self.header.axes except AttributeError: pass # Calculate axes from image shape self.header.axes = [] shape = super(Series, self).shape if len(shape) < 1: return None _max_known_shape = min(3, len(shape)) _labels = ['slice', 'row', 'column'][-_max_known_shape:] while len(_labels) < self.ndim: _labels.insert(0, 'unknown') i = 0 for d in super(Series, self).shape: self.header.axes.append( UniformLengthAxis( _labels[i], 0, d, 1 ) ) # if _labels[i] == 'rgb': # self.header.axes.append( # VariableAxis('rgb', ['r', 'g', 'b']) # ) # else: # self.header.axes.append( # UniformLengthAxis( # _labels[i], 0, d, 1 # ) # ) i += 1 return self.header.axes @axes.setter def axes(self, ax): # Verify that axes shape match ndarray shape # Verify that axis names are used once only used_name = {} for i, axis in enumerate(ax): # if len(axis) != self.shape[i]: # raise IndexError("Axis length {} must match array shape {}".format( # [len(x) for x in ax], self.shape)) if in used_name: raise ValueError("Axis name {} is used multiple times.".format( used_name[] = True self.header.axes = ax # Update spacing from new axes try: spacing = self.spacing except ValueError: spacing = np.array((1.0, 1.0, 1.0)) for i, direction in enumerate(['slice', 'row', 'column']): try: axis = self.find_axis(direction) spacing[i] = axis.step except ValueError: pass self.header.spacing = spacing
[docs] def find_axis(self, name): """Find axis with given name. Args: name: Axis name to search for. Returns: Axis: axis object with given name. Raises: ValueError: when no axis object has given name Usage: >>> si = Series(np.array([3, 3, 3])) >>> axis = si.find_axis('slice') """ return self.header.find_axis(name)
# for axis in self.axes: # if == name: # return axis # raise ValueError("No axis object with name %s exist" % name) @property def spacing(self): """numpy.array([ds,dr,dc]): spacing in mm. Given as ds,dr,dc in mm. 2D image will return ds=1. Raises: ValueError: when spacing is not set. ValueError: when spacing is not a tuple of 3 coordinates Usage: >>> si = Series(np.eye(128)) >>> ds, dr, dc = si.spacing >>> si.spacing = ds, dr, dc """ try: # if self.header.spacing is not None: # return self.header.spacing slice_axis = self.find_axis('slice') ds = slice_axis.step except (AttributeError, ValueError) as e: if self.header.spacing is not None: ds = self.header.spacing[0] else: raise ValueError("Spacing is unknown: {}".format(e)) try: row_axis = self.find_axis('row') column_axis = self.find_axis('column') return np.array((ds, row_axis.step, column_axis.step)) except ValueError as e: raise ValueError("Spacing is unknown: {}".format(e)) @spacing.setter def spacing(self, *args): if args[0] is None: return logger.debug("spacing.setter {} {}".format(len(args), args)) for arg in args: logger.debug("spacing.setter arg {} {}".format(len(arg), arg)) # Invalidate existing transformation matrix self.header.transformationMatrix = None # Handle both tuple and component spacings if len(args) == 3: spacing = np.array(args) elif len(args) == 1: arg = args[0] if len(arg) == 3: spacing = np.array(arg) elif len(arg) == 1: arg0 = arg[0] if len(arg0) == 3: spacing = np.array(arg0) else: raise ValueError("Length of spacing in setSpacing(): %d" % len(arg0)) else: raise ValueError("Length of spacing in setSpacing(): %d" % len(arg)) else: raise ValueError("Length of spacing in setSpacing(): %d" % len(args)) try: slice_axis = self.find_axis('slice') slice_axis.step = spacing[0] except ValueError: # Assume 2D image with no slice dimension pass try: row_axis = self.find_axis('row') column_axis = self.find_axis('column') row_axis.step = spacing[1] column_axis.step = spacing[2] self.header.spacing = np.array(spacing) except ValueError as e: raise ValueError("Spacing cannot be set: {}".format(e)) @property def imagePositions(self): """dict of numpy.array([z,y,x]): The [z,y,x] coordinates of the upper left hand corner (first pixel) of each slice. dict(imagePositions[s]) of [z,y,x] in mm, as numpy array When setting, the position list is added to existing imagePositions. Overlapping dict keys will replace exisiting imagePosition for given slice s. Examples: >>> from imagedata import Series >>> import numpy as np >>> si = Series(np.eye(128)) >>> z,y,x = si.imagePositions[0] Examples: >>> from imagedata import Series >>> import numpy as np >>> si = Series(np.zeros((16, 128, 128))) >>> for s in range(si.slices): ... si.imagePositions = { s: si.getPositionForVoxel(np.array([s, 0, 0])) } Raises: ValueError: when imagePositions are not set. AssertionError: when positions have wrong shape or datatype. """ # logger.debug('Series.imagePositions.get:') try: if self.header.imagePositions is not None: if len(self.header.imagePositions) > self.slices: # Truncate imagePositions to actual number of slices. # Could be the result of a slicing operation. ipp = {} for z in range(self.slices): ipp[z] = \ self.header.imagePositions[z] self.header.imagePositions = ipp elif len(self.header.imagePositions) < self.slices and \ len(self.header.imagePositions) == 1: # Some image formats define one imagePosition only. # Could calculate the missing imagePositions from origin and # orientation. # Set imagePositions for additional slices logger.debug( 'Series.imagePositions.get: 1 positions only. Calculating the other {} ' 'positions'.format(self.slices - 1)) m = self.transformationMatrix for _slice in range(1, self.slices): self.header.imagePositions[_slice] = \ self.getPositionForVoxel(np.array([_slice, 0, 0]), transformation=m) return self.header.imagePositions except AttributeError: pass raise ValueError("No imagePositions set.") @imagePositions.setter def imagePositions(self, poslist): if poslist is None: self.header.imagePositions = None return assert isinstance(poslist, dict), "ImagePositions is not dict() (%s)" % type(poslist) # Invalidate existing transformation matrix # self.header.transformationMatrix = None try: if self.header.imagePositions is None: self.header.imagePositions = dict() except AttributeError: self.header.imagePositions = dict() # logger.debug("imagePositions set for keys {}".format(poslist.keys())) for _slice in poslist.keys(): pos = poslist[_slice] # logger.debug("imagePositions set _slice {} to {}".format(_slice,pos)) assert isinstance(pos, np.ndarray), "Wrong datatype of position (%s)" % type(pos) assert len(pos) == 3, "Wrong size of pos (is %d, should be 3)" % len(pos) self.header.imagePositions[_slice] = np.array(pos) @property def orientation(self): """numpy.array: The direction cosines of the first row and the first column with respect to the patient. These attributes shall be provided as a pair. Row value (column index) for the z,y,x axes respectively, followed by the column value (row index) for the z,y,x axes respectively. Raises: ValueError: when orientation is not set. AssertionError: when len(orient) != 6 """ try: if self.header.orientation is not None: return self.header.orientation except AttributeError: pass raise ValueError("No orientation set.") @orientation.setter def orientation(self, orient): if orient is None: self.header.transformationMatrix = None self.header.orientation = None return assert len(orient) == 6, "Wrong size of orientation" # Invalidate existing transformation matrix # self.header.transformationMatrix = None self.header.orientation = np.array(orient) @property def dicomTemplate(self): """pydicom.dataset.Dataset: DICOM data set Raises: ValueError: when modality is not set. ValueError: when modality cannot be converted to str. """ try: if self.header.dicomTemplate is not None: return self.header.dicomTemplate except AttributeError: pass raise ValueError("No DICOM template set.") @dicomTemplate.setter def dicomTemplate(self, ds): if ds is None: self.header.dicomTemplate = None return if issubclass(type(ds), pydicom.dataset.Dataset): self.header.dicomTemplate = str(ds) else: raise ValueError("Dataset is not a pydicom.dataset.Dataset.") @property def modality(self): """str: Imaging modality. Raises: ValueError: when modality is not set. ValueError: when modality cannot be converted to str. """ try: if self.header.modality is not None: return self.header.modality except AttributeError: pass raise ValueError("No modality set.") @modality.setter def modality(self, mod): if mod is None: self.header.modality = None return try: self.header.modality = str(mod) except AttributeError: raise ValueError("Cannot convert modality to string") @property def laterality(self): """str: Imaging laterality. Raises: ValueError: when laterality is not set. ValueError: when laterality cannot be converted to str. """ try: if self.header.laterality is not None: return self.header.laterality except AttributeError: pass raise ValueError("No laterality set.") @laterality.setter def laterality(self, lat): if lat is None: self.header.laterality = None return try: self.header.laterality = str(lat) except AttributeError: raise ValueError("Cannot convert laterality to string") @property def bodyPartExamined(self): """str: Body Part Examined. Raises: ValueError: when Body Part Examined is not set. ValueError: when Body Part Examined cannot be converted to str. """ try: if self.header.bodyPartExamined is not None: return self.header.bodyPartExamined except AttributeError: pass raise ValueError("No Body Part Examined set.") @bodyPartExamined.setter def bodyPartExamined(self, part): if part is None: self.header.bodyPartExamined = None return try: self.header.bodyPartExamined = str(part) except AttributeError: raise ValueError("Cannot convert Body Part Examined to string") @property def patientPosition(self): """str: Patient Position. Raises: ValueError: when Patient Position is not set. ValueError: when Patient Position cannot be converted to str. """ try: if self.header.patientPosition is not None: return self.header.patientPosition except AttributeError: pass raise ValueError("No Patient Position set.") @patientPosition.setter def patientPosition(self, pos): if pos is None: self.header.patientPosition = None return try: self.header.patientPosition = str(pos) except AttributeError: raise ValueError("Cannot convert Patient Position to string") @property def protocolName(self): """str: Imaging Protocol Name. Raises: ValueError: when protocolName is not set. ValueError: when protocolName cannot be converted to str. """ try: if self.header.protocolName is not None: return self.header.protocolName except AttributeError: pass raise ValueError("No protocolName set.") @protocolName.setter def protocolName(self, protocol): if protocol is None: self.header.protocolName = None return try: self.header.protocolName = str(protocol) except AttributeError: raise ValueError("Cannot convert Protocol Name to string") @property def seriesDate(self): """str: Imaging Series Date. Raises: ValueError: when seriesDate is not set. ValueError: when seriesDate cannot be converted to str. """ try: if self.header.seriesDate is not None: return self.header.seriesDate except AttributeError: pass raise ValueError("No Series Date set.") @seriesDate.setter def seriesDate(self, date): if date is None: self.header.seriesDate = None return try: self.header.seriesDate = str(date) except AttributeError: raise ValueError("Cannot convert Series Date to string") @property def seriesTime(self): """str: Imaging Series Time. Raises: ValueError: when seriesTime is not set. ValueError: when seriesTime cannot be converted to str. """ try: if self.header.seriesTime is not None: return self.header.seriesTime except AttributeError: pass raise ValueError("No Series Time set.") @seriesTime.setter def seriesTime(self, time): if time is None: self.header.seriesTime = None return try: self.header.seriesTime = str(time) except AttributeError: raise ValueError("Cannot convert Series Time to string") @property def seriesNumber(self): """int: DICOM series number. Raises: ValueError: when series number is not set. ValueError: when series number cannot be converted to int. """ try: if self.header.seriesNumber is not None: return self.header.seriesNumber except AttributeError: pass raise ValueError("No series number set.") @seriesNumber.setter def seriesNumber(self, sernum): if sernum is None: self.header.seriesNumber = None return try: self.header.seriesNumber = int(sernum) except AttributeError: raise ValueError("Cannot convert series number to integer") @property def seriesDescription(self): """str: DICOM series description. Raises: ValueError: When series description is not set. AssertionError: when series description is not str """ try: if self.header.seriesDescription is not None: return self.header.seriesDescription except AttributeError: pass raise ValueError("No series description set.") @seriesDescription.setter def seriesDescription(self, descr): if descr is None: self.header.seriesDescription = None return assert isinstance(descr, str), "Given series description is not str" self.header.seriesDescription = descr @property def imageType(self): """list of str: DICOM image type(s). Raises: ValueError: when image type is not set. TypeError: When imagetype is not printable. """ try: if self.header.imageType is not None: return self.header.imageType except AttributeError: pass raise ValueError("No image type set.") @imageType.setter def imageType(self, imagetype): if imagetype is None: self.header.imageType = None return self.header.imageType = list() try: for s in imagetype: self.header.imageType.append(str(s)) except AttributeError: raise TypeError("Given image type is not printable (is %s)" % type(imagetype)) @property def studyInstanceUID(self): """str: DICOM Study instance UID Raises: ValueError: when study instance UID is not set. TypeError: When uid is not printable. """ try: if self.header.studyInstanceUID is not None: return self.header.studyInstanceUID except AttributeError: pass raise ValueError("No study instance UID set.") @studyInstanceUID.setter def studyInstanceUID(self, uid): if uid is None: self.header.studyInstanceUID = None return try: self.header.studyInstanceUID = str(uid) except AttributeError: raise TypeError("Given study instance UID is not printable") @property def studyID(self): """str: DICOM study ID Raises: ValueError: when study ID is not set. TypeError: When id is not printable """ try: if self.header.studyID is not None: return self.header.studyID except AttributeError: pass raise ValueError("No study ID set.") @studyID.setter def studyID(self, id): if id is None: self.header.studyID = None return try: self.header.studyID = str(id) except AttributeError: raise TypeError("Given study ID is not printable") @property def seriesInstanceUID(self): """str: DICOM series instance UID Raises: ValueError: when series instance UID is not set TypeError: When uid is not printable """ try: if self.header.seriesInstanceUID is not None: return self.header.seriesInstanceUID except AttributeError: pass raise ValueError("No series instance UID set.") @seriesInstanceUID.setter def seriesInstanceUID(self, uid): if uid is None: self.header.seriesInstanceUID = None return try: if isinstance(uid, str): self.header.seriesInstanceUID = uid else: self.header.seriesInstanceUID = str(uid) except AttributeError: raise TypeError("Given series instance UID is not printable") @property def frameOfReferenceUID(self): """str: DICOM frame of reference UID Raises: ValueError: when frame of reference UID is not set TypeError: When uid is not printable """ try: if self.header.frameOfReferenceUID is not None: return self.header.frameOfReferenceUID except AttributeError: pass raise ValueError("No frame of reference UID set.") @frameOfReferenceUID.setter def frameOfReferenceUID(self, uid): if uid is None: self.header.frameOfReferenceUID = None return try: self.header.frameOfReferenceUID = str(uid) except AttributeError: raise TypeError("Given frame of reference UID is not printable") @property def SOPClassUID(self): """str: DICOM SOP Class UID Raises: ValueError: when SOP Class UID is not set """ try: if self.header.SOPClassUID is not None: return self.header.SOPClassUID except AttributeError: pass raise ValueError("No SOP Class UID set.") @SOPClassUID.setter def SOPClassUID(self, uid): if uid is None: self.header.SOPClassUID = None return try: self.header.SOPClassUID = get_uid_for_storage_class(uid) except ValueError: raise @property def SOPInstanceUIDs(self): """str: DICOM SOP Instance UIDs Raises: ValueError: when SOP Instance UIDs is not set """ try: if self.header.SOPInstanceUIDs is not None: return self.header.SOPInstanceUIDs except AttributeError: pass raise ValueError("No SOP Instance UIDs set.") @SOPInstanceUIDs.setter def SOPInstanceUIDs(self, uids): self.header.SOPInstanceUIDs = uids @property def accessionNumber(self): """str: DICOM accession number Raises: ValueError: when accession number is not set TypeError: When accno is not printable """ try: if self.header.accessionNumber is not None: return self.header.accessionNumber except AttributeError: pass raise ValueError("No accession number set.") @accessionNumber.setter def accessionNumber(self, accno): if accno is None: self.header.accessionNumber = None return try: self.header.accessionNumber = str(accno) except AttributeError: raise TypeError("Given accession number is not printable") @property def patientName(self): """str: Patient name Raises: ValueError: when patient name is not set TypeError: When patnam is not printable """ try: if self.header.patientName is not None: return self.header.patientName except AttributeError: pass raise ValueError("No patient name set.") @patientName.setter def patientName(self, patnam): if patnam is None: self.header.patientName = None return try: self.header.patientName = str(patnam) except AttributeError: raise TypeError("Given patient name is not printable") @property def patientID(self): """str: Patient ID Raises: ValueError: when patient ID is not set TypeError: When patID is not printable """ try: if self.header.patientID is not None: return self.header.patientID except AttributeError: pass raise ValueError("No patient ID set.") @patientID.setter def patientID(self, patid): if patid is None: self.header.patientID = None return try: self.header.patientID = str(patid) except AttributeError: raise TypeError("Given patient ID is not printable") @property def patientBirthDate(self): """str: Patient birth date Raises: ValueError: when patient birth date is not set. TypeError: When patient birth date is not printable. """ try: if self.header.patientBirthDate is not None: return self.header.patientBirthDate except AttributeError: pass raise ValueError("No patient birthdate set.") @patientBirthDate.setter def patientBirthDate(self, patbirdat): if patbirdat is None: self.header.patientBirthDate = None return try: self.header.patientBirthDate = str(patbirdat) except AttributeError: raise TypeError("Given patient birth date is not printable") @property def color(self): """bool: Color interpretation. Whether the array stores a color image, and the last index represents the color components Raises: ValueError: when color interpretation is not set TypeError: When color is not bool """ return self.dtype == np.dtype([('R', 'u1'), ('G', 'u1'), ('B', 'u1')]) # return self.dtype == rgb_dtype # try: # if self.header.axes is not None and len(self.header.axes): # return self.header.axes[-1].name == 'rgb' # except AttributeError: # pass # raise ValueError("No Color Interpretation is set.") @color.setter def color(self, color): raise ValueError("Do not set color. Set dtype.") @property def colormap(self): try: if self.header.colormap is not None: return self.header.colormap except AttributeError: pass return None @colormap.setter def colormap(self, map): if map is None: self.header.colormap = None return try: self.header.colormap = map except AttributeError: raise TypeError("Given colormap is not usable") @property def colormap_norm(self): try: if self.header.colormap_norm is not None: return self.header.colormap_norm except AttributeError: pass return None @colormap_norm.setter def colormap_norm(self, norm): if norm is None: self.header.colormap_norm = None return try: self.header.colormap_norm = norm except AttributeError: raise TypeError("Given colormap_norm is not usable") @property def colormap_label(self): """str: Colormap label Raises: ValueError: when colormap label is not set TypeError: When colormap label is not printable """ try: if self.header.colormap_label is not None: return self.header.colormap_label except AttributeError: pass raise ValueError("No Colormap Label is set.") @colormap_label.setter def colormap_label(self, string): if string is None: self.header.colormap_label = None return try: self.header.colormap_label = str(string) except AttributeError: raise TypeError("Given colormap_label is not printable") @property def photometricInterpretation(self): """str: Photometric Interpretation. Raises: ValueError: when photometric interpretation is not set TypeError: When photometric interpretation is not printable """ try: if self.header.photometricInterpretation is not None: return self.header.photometricInterpretation except AttributeError: pass raise ValueError("No Photometric Interpretation is set.") @photometricInterpretation.setter def photometricInterpretation(self, string): if string is None: self.header.photometricInterpretation = None return try: self.header.photometricInterpretation = str(string) except AttributeError: raise TypeError("Given photometric interpretation is not printable") @property def windowCenter(self): """number: Window Center Raises: ValueError: when window center is not set TypeError: When window center is not a number """ try: if self.header.windowCenter is None: self.header.windowCenter, self.header.windowWidth = self.__calculate_window() # level = (np.float32(np.nanmax(self)) + np.float32(np.nanmin(self))) / 2 # if np.isnan(level): # level = 1 # if abs(level) > 2: # level = round(level) # self.header.windowCenter = level return self.header.windowCenter except AttributeError: pass raise ValueError("No Window Center is set.") @windowCenter.setter def windowCenter(self, value): if value is None: try: self.header.windowCenter = None except AttributeError: pass return if isinstance(value, numbers.Number): try: self.header.windowCenter = value except AttributeError: pass else: raise TypeError("Given window center is not a number.") @property def windowWidth(self): """number: Window Width Raises: ValueError: when window width is not set TypeError: When window width is not a number """ try: if self.header.windowWidth is None: self.header.windowCenter, self.header.windowWidth = self.__calculate_window() # window = np.float32(np.nanmax(self)) - np.float32(np.nanmin(self)) # if np.isnan(window): # window = 1 # if abs(window) > 2: # window = round(window) # self.header.windowWidth = window return self.header.windowWidth except AttributeError: pass raise ValueError("No Window Width is set.") @windowWidth.setter def windowWidth(self, value): if value is None: try: self.header.windowWidth = None except AttributeError: pass return if isinstance(value, numbers.Number): try: self.header.windowWidth = value except AttributeError: pass else: raise TypeError("Given window width is not a number.") # noinspection PyPep8Naming @property def transformationMatrix(self): """numpy.array: Transformation matrix. If the transformation matrix is not set, an attempt will be made to calculate it from spacing, imagePositions and orientation. When setting the transformation matrix, spacing and slices must be set in advance. A new transformation matrix will also impact orientation and imagePositions. Raises: ValueError: Transformation matrix cannot be constructed. """ # def normalize(v): # """Normalize a vector # # # # :param v: 3D vector # :return: normalized 3D vector # """ # norm=np.linalg.norm(v, ord=1) # if norm==0: # norm=np.finfo(v.dtype).eps # return v/norm debug = None # debug = True try: if self.header.transformationMatrix is not None: logger.debug('Series.transformationMatrix: return existing matrix') return self.header.transformationMatrix # Calculate transformation matrix logger.debug('Series.transformationMatrix: Calculate transformation matrix') logger.debug('Series.transformationMatrix: self {} {}'.format(self.dtype, self.shape)) ds, dr, dc = self.spacing logger.debug('Series.transformationMatrix: ds {}, dr {}, dc {}'.format(ds, dr, dc)) slices = len(self.header.imagePositions) logger.debug('Series.transformationMatrix: slices {}'.format(slices)) T0 = self.header.imagePositions[0].reshape(3, 1) # z,y,x Tn = self.header.imagePositions[slices - 1].reshape(3, 1) orient = self.orientation colr = np.array(orient[3:]).reshape(3, 1) colc = np.array(orient[:3]).reshape(3, 1) if slices > 1: logger.debug('Series.transformationMatrix: multiple slices case (slices={})' ''.format(slices)) # Calculating normal vector based on first and last slice should be # the correct method. k = (T0 - Tn) / (1 - slices) # Will just calculate normal to row and column to match other software. # k = np.cross(colr, colc, axis=0) * ds else: logger.debug('Series.transformationMatrix: single slice case') k = np.cross(colr, colc, axis=0) # k = normalize(k) * ds k = k * ds logger.debug('Series.transformationMatrix: k={}'.format(k.T)) # logger.debug("q: k {} colc {} colr {} T0 {}".format(k.shape, # colc.shape, colr.shape, T0.shape)) A = np.eye(4) A[:3, :4] = np.hstack([ k, colr * dr, colc * dc, T0]) if debug: logger.debug("A:\n{}".format(A)) self.header.transformationMatrix = A return self.header.transformationMatrix except AttributeError: logger.debug('Series.transformationMatrix: AttributeError') pass raise ValueError('Transformation matrix cannot be constructed.') @transformationMatrix.setter def transformationMatrix(self, m): self.header.transformationMatrix = m # if M is not None: # ds,dr,dc = self.spacing # # Set imagePositions for first slice # z,y,x = M[0:3,3] # self.imagePositions = ({0: np.array([z,y,x])}) # # Set slice orientation # orient = [] # orient.append(M[2,2]/dr) # orient.append(M[1,2]/dr) # orient.append(M[0,2]/dr) # orient.append(M[2,1]/dc) # orient.append(M[1,1]/dc) # orient.append(M[0,1]/dc) # self.orientation = orient # # Set imagePositions for additional slices # for _slice in range(1,self.slices): # self.imagePositions = { # _slice: self.getPositionForVoxel(np.array([_slice,0,0]), # transformation=M) # }
[docs] def get_transformation_components_xyz(self): """Get origin and direction from transformation matrix in xyz convention. Returns: tuple: Tuple of - Origin (np.array size 3): Origin. - Orientation (np.array size 6): (row, then column directional cosines) (DICOM convention). - Normal vector (np.array size 3): Slice direction. """ m = self.transformationMatrix ds, dr, dc = self.spacing # origin try: ipp = self.imagePositions if len(ipp) > 0: ipp = ipp[0] else: ipp = np.array([0, 0, 0]) except ValueError: ipp = np.array([0, 0, 0]) if ipp.shape == (3, 1): ipp.shape = (3,) z, y, x = ipp[:] origin = np.array([x, y, z]) # orientation # Reverse orientation vectors from zyx to xyz try: orientation = [ self.orientation[2], self.orientation[1], self.orientation[0], self.orientation[5], self.orientation[4], self.orientation[3]] except ValueError: orientation = [1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0] n = m[:3, 0][::-1].reshape(3) if self.slices == 1: n = n / ds return origin, np.array(orientation), n
@property def timeline(self): """numpy.array: Timeline in seconds, as numpy array of floats. Delta time is given as seconds. First image is t=0. Length of array is number of tags. Raises: ValueError: tags for dataset is not time tags """ if self.input_order == INPUT_ORDER_TIME: timeline = [0.0] for t in range(1, len(self.tags[0])): timeline.append(self.tags[0][t] - self.tags[0][0]) return np.array(timeline) else: raise ValueError("No timeline tags are available. Input order: {}".format( self.input_order)) @property def bvalues(self): """numpy.array: b-values in s/mm2, as numpy array of floats. Length of array is number of tags. Raises: ValueError: tags for dataset is not b tags """ if self.input_order == INPUT_ORDER_B: return np.array(self.tags[0]) else: raise ValueError("No b-value tags are available. Input order: {}".format( self.input_order))
[docs] def getDicomAttribute(self, keyword): """Get named DICOM attribute. Args: keyword (str): name or dicom tag Returns: DICOM attribute """ try: if issubclass(type(keyword), str): _tag = pydicom.datadict.tag_for_keyword(keyword) else: _tag = keyword if _tag is None: return None if _tag in self.dicomTemplate: return self.dicomTemplate[_tag].value else: return None except ValueError: return None
[docs] def setDicomAttribute(self, keyword, value, slice=None, tag=None): """Set named DICOM attribute. Args: keyword (str): name or dicom tag. value: new value for DICOM attribute. slice (int): optional slice to set attribute for. Default: all. tag (int): optional tag to set attribute for. Default: all. Raises: ValueError: When no DICOM tag is set. """ # # if self.DicomHeaderDict is None: # return None if issubclass(type(keyword), str): _tag = pydicom.datadict.tag_for_keyword(keyword) else: _tag = keyword if _tag is None: raise ValueError('No DICOM tag set') self.header.dicomToDo.append( (_tag, value, slice, tag) )
# slices = [i for i in range(self.slices)] # tags = [i for i in range(len(self.tags[0]))] # if slice is not None: # slices = [slice] # if tag is not None: # tags = [tag] # for s in slices: # for t in tags: # try: # tg, fname, im = self.DicomHeaderDict[s][t] # # Always make a new attribute to avoid cross-talk after # # copying Series instances. # VR = pydicom.datadict.dictionary_VR(_tag) # im.add_new(_tag, VR, value) # except (IndexError, TypeError): # pass
[docs] def getPositionForVoxel(self, r, transformation=None): """Get patient position for center of given voxel r. Use Patient Position and Image Orientation to calculate world coordinates for given voxel Args: r (numpy.array): (s,r,c) of voxel in voxel coordinates transformation (numpy.array, optional): transformation matrix when different from self.transformationMatrix Returns: numpy.array((z,y,x)): position of voxel in world coordinates (mm) """ if transformation is None: logger.debug('Series.getPositionForVoxel: use existing transformationMatrix {}'.format( self.transformationMatrix.shape )) transformation = self.transformationMatrix else: logger.debug('Series.getPositionForVoxel: user-provided transformationMatrix' '{}'.format(transformation.shape) ) # q = self.getTransformationMatrix() # V = np.array([[r[2]], [r[1]], [r[0]], [1]]) # V is [x,y,z,1] # if len(r) == 3 or (len(r) == 1 and len(r[0] == 3)): # p = np.vstack((r.reshape((3, 1)), [1])) # elif len(r) == 4: # p = r.reshape((4, 1)) try: p = r.reshape((4, 1)) except ValueError: p = np.vstack((r.reshape((3, 1)), [1])) newposition =, p) return newposition[:3] # z,y,x
[docs] def getVoxelForPosition(self, p, transformation=None): """ Get voxel for given patient position p Use Patient Position and Image Orientation to calculate world coordinates for given voxel Args: p (numpy.array): (z,y,x) of voxel in world coordinates (mm) transformation (numpy.array, optional): transformation matrix when different from self.transformationMatrix Returns: numpy.array((s,r,c)): of voxel in voxel coordinates """ if transformation is None: transformation = self.transformationMatrix # q = self.getTransformationMatrix() # V = np.array([[p[2]], [p[1]], [p[0]], [1]]) # V is [x,y,z,1] try: pt = p.reshape((4, 1)) except ValueError: pt = np.vstack((p.reshape((3, 1)), [1])) # type: np.ndarray qinv = np.linalg.inv(transformation) r =, pt) # z,y,x # return np.array([int(r[2,0]+0.5),int(r[1,0]+0.5),int(r[0,0]+0.5)], dtype=int) # return int(r+0.5)[:3] return (r + 0.5).astype(int)[:3]
# def deepcopy(self): # """Create a copy using deepcopy.""" # a = Series(np.copy(self), template=self, geometry=self) # a.header.DicomHeaderDict = deepcopy_DicomHeaderDict(self.header.DicomHeaderDict) # return a
[docs] def align(moving, reference, interpolation='linear', force=False): """Align moving series (self) to reference. The moving series is resampled on the grid of the reference series. In effect the moving series is reformatted to the slices of the reference series. The aligned image is rounded to nearest integer when the moving image is integer. Examples: Align vibe series (moving) with reference dce series >>> moving = Series('vibe') >>> reference = Series('dce', 'time') >>> img = moving.align(reference) Args: moving (Series): The moving series which will be aligned to the reference series. reference (Series): Reference series. interpolation (str): Method of interpolation. See scipy.interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator for possible value. Default: 'linear'. force (bool): Override check on FrameOfReferenceUID when True. Default: False. Returns: Series: Aligned series. Raises: ValueError: When FrameOfReference or TransformationMatrix is missing for either series. """ from scipy.interpolate import RegularGridInterpolator if moving.color or reference.color: raise ValueError('Aligning color images not implemented.') if not force: if moving.frameOfReferenceUID != reference.frameOfReferenceUID: raise ValueError('FrameOfReferenceUID differ. Use force=True to override') # Final axes for aligned series are the reference axes slice_axis = reference.find_axis('slice') row_axis = reference.find_axis('row') column_axis = reference.find_axis('column') # Make reference grid in voxel coordinates cs, cr, cc = np.meshgrid( np.arange(0, reference.slices), np.arange(0, reference.rows), np.arange(0, reference.columns), indexing='ij' ) nc = np.ones([reference.slices, reference.rows, reference.columns])) cref = np.asanyarray([cs.flatten(), cr.flatten(), cc.flatten(), nc], dtype='int') # Convert reference voxel coordinates to real coordinates xref =, cref) # Generate voxel coordinated of reference image (moving in the space of the moving image qinv = np.linalg.pinv(moving.transformationMatrix) cref2mov =, xref) # Only use the first three coordinates, the last is just ones. # Interpolation method requires transpose() cref2mov = cref2mov[:3, :].transpose() if moving.ndim > 3: tags = len(moving.tags[0]) tag_axis = moving.axes[0] imreg = Series( np.zeros([tags, reference.slices, reference.rows, reference.columns], dtype=moving.dtype), input_order=moving.input_order, template=moving, geometry=reference, axes=[tag_axis, slice_axis, row_axis, column_axis] ) # Must convert to ndarray to slice the data # immovnp = np.array(reference, dtype=float) for i in range(tags): fnc = RegularGridInterpolator( (np.arange(0, moving.slices), np.arange(0, moving.rows), np.arange(0, moving.columns) ), # immovnp[i], moving[i], method=interpolation, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0 ) # Apply interpolator imh = fnc(cref2mov) if np.issubdtype(imreg.dtype, np.integer): # imh is always np.float64. Round to nearest integer imh = np.rint(imh) imreg[i, ...] = np.reshape(imh, (reference.slices, reference.rows, reference.columns)) elif moving.ndim == 3: imreg = Series( np.zeros([reference.slices, reference.rows, reference.columns], dtype=moving.dtype), template=moving, geometry=reference, axes=[slice_axis, row_axis, column_axis] ) # Must convert to ndarray to slice the data # immovnp = np.array(reference, dtype=float) fnc = RegularGridInterpolator( (np.arange(0, moving.slices), np.arange(0, moving.rows), np.arange(0, moving.columns) ), # immovnp, moving, method=interpolation, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0 ) # Apply interpolator imh = fnc(cref2mov) if np.issubdtype(imreg.dtype, np.integer): # imh is always np.float64. Round to nearest integer imh = np.rint(imh) imreg[:] = np.reshape(imh, (reference.slices, reference.rows, reference.columns)) else: raise ValueError('Input has 2D, not implemented') return imreg
[docs] def to_channels(self, channels, labels): """Create a Series object with channeled data. Examples: >>> from imagedata import Series >>> channel0 = Series(...) >>> channel1 = Series(...) >>> channel2 = Series(...) >>> T2 = Series(...) >>> T2_channels = T2.to_channels([channel0, channel1, channel2], ['0', '1', '2']) Args: channels (list): List of data for each channel. labels (list): List of labels for each channel. Returns: Series: Channeled Series object """ # if self.color: # return self # # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # import matplotlib.colors # from .viewer import get_window_level ch_shape = None ch_dtype = [] for label, channel in zip(labels, channels): if issubclass(type(channel), np.ndarray): if ch_shape is None: ch_shape = channel.shape if channel.shape != ch_shape: raise IndexError('Shape of channel {} differ: {} vs {}'.format( label, channel.shape, self.shape )) ch_dtype.append(channel.dtype) else: ch_dtype.append(np.dtype(type(channel))) if ch_shape is None: ch_shape = (len(channels),) dtype = np.dtype([(label, dt) for label, dt in zip(labels, ch_dtype)]) data = np.empty(ch_shape, dtype) for label, channel in zip(labels, channels): data[label][:] = channel data = np.asarray(data).view(Series) si = Series( data, input_order=self.input_order, geometry=self ) # si.header.photometricInterpretation = 'RGB' si.header.add_template(self.header) return si
[docs] def to_rgb(self, colormap='Greys_r', lut=None, norm='linear', clip='window', probs=(0.01, 0.999)): """Create an RGB color image of self. Examples: >>> T2 = Series(...) >>> T2_rgb = T2.to_rgb() Args: colormap (str): Matplotlib colormap name. Defaults: 'Greys_r'. lut (int): Number of rgb quantization levels. Default: None, lut is calculated from the voxel values. norm (str or matplotlib.colors.Normalize): Normalization method. Either linear/log, or the `.Normalize` instance used to scale scalar data to the [0, 1] range before mapping to colors using colormap. clip (str): How to clip the data values. Default: 'window', clip data to window center and width. 'hist': clip data at histogram probabilities. probs (tuple): Minimum and maximum probabilities when clipping using histogram method. Returns: Series: RGB Series object """ if self.color: return self import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.colors from .viewer import get_window_level if lut is None: lut = 256 if self.dtype.kind == 'f' else (np.nanmax(self).item()) + 1 if lut == 1: lut = 2 if isinstance(norm, str): if norm == 'linear': norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize elif norm == 'log': norm = matplotlib.colors.LogNorm # elif norm == 'centered': # norm = matplotlib.colors.CenteredNorm else: raise ValueError('Unknown normalization function: {}'.format(norm)) if not issubclass(type(colormap), matplotlib.colors.Colormap): colormap = plt.get_cmap(colormap, lut) colormap.set_bad(color='k') # Important for log display of non-positive values colormap.set_under(color='k') colormap.set_over(color='w') if type(norm) is type: if clip == 'window': window, level, vmin, vmax = get_window_level(self, norm, window=None, level=None) elif clip == 'hist': vmin, vmax = self.calculate_clip_range(probs, lut) else: raise ValueError('Unknow clip method: {}'.format(clip)) norm = norm(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, clip=True) data = norm(self) color_data = colormap(data, bytes=True)[..., :3] # Strip off alpha color rgb_dtype = np.dtype([('R', 'u1'), ('G', 'u1'), ('B', 'u1')]) rgb = Series( color_data.copy().view(dtype=rgb_dtype).reshape(color_data.shape[:-1]), input_order=self.input_order, geometry=self ) # if self.dtype.kind == 'f': # rgb = Series( # colormap(data, bytes=True)[..., :3], # Strip off alpha color # input_order=self.input_order, # geometry=self, # # axes=self.axes + [VariableAxis('rgb', ['r', 'g', 'b'])] # ) # else: # rgb = Series( # colormap(data, bytes=True)[..., :3], # Strip off alpha color # input_order=self.input_order, # geometry=self, # # axes=self.axes + [VariableAxis('rgb', ['r', 'g', 'b'])] # ) rgb.header.photometricInterpretation = 'RGB' rgb.header.add_template(self.header) # rgb.header.colormap = mpl.colorbar.ColorbarBase( # # ) rgb.header.colormap = copy.copy(colormap) rgb.header.colormap_norm = copy.copy(norm) rgb.header.color = True return rgb
[docs] def fuse_mask(self, mask, alpha=0.7, blend=False, colormap='Greys_r', lut=None, norm='linear', clip='window', probs=(0.01, 0.999), maskmap='magma', maskrange=None): """Color fusion of mask Create an RGB image of self, overlaying/enhancing the mask area. When the mask is binary, it is gaussian filtered to disperse edges. With ideas from Hauke Bartsch and Sathiesh Kaliyugarasan (2023). Examples: >>> img = Series(...) >>> mask = Series(...) >>> overlayed_img = img.fuse_mask(mask, clip='hist') >>> Args: mask (Series or np.ndarray): Mask image alpha (float): Alpha blending for each channel. Default: 0.7 blend (bool): Whether the self image will be blended using alpha. Default: False colormap (str): Matplotlib colormap name for image. Defaults: 'Greys_r'. maskmap (str): Matplotlib colormap name for mask. Defaults: 'magma'. lut (int): Number of rgb quantization levels. Default: None, lut is calculated from the voxel values. norm (str or matplotlib.colors.Normalize): Normalization method. Either linear/log, or the `.Normalize` instance used to scale scalar data to the [0, 1] range before mapping to colors using colormap. clip (str): How to clip the data values. Default: 'window', clip data to window center and width. 'hist': clip data at histogram probabilities. probs (tuple): Minimum and maximum probabilities when clipping using histogram method. maskrange (tuple): Range of mask colormap. Defaults: None: Use full mask range. Returns: Series: RGB Series object Raises: IndexError: When the mask does not match the image """ from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter def _is_binary_mask(mask): if mask.dtype.kind == 'b': return True if mask.dtype.kind == 'i' or mask.dtype.kind == 'u': return np.nanmin(mask) == 0 and np.nanmax(mask) <= 1 return False def _float_to_rgb_series(im): im = np.rint(im) im8 = np.empty( im['R'].shape, dtype=np.dtype([('R', 'u1'), ('G', 'u1'), ('B', 'u1')]) ) for _color in ['R', 'G', 'B']: im8[_color] = np.rint(im[_color]) rgb = Series( im8, input_order=self.input_order, geometry=self, axes=self.axes ) rgb.header.photometricInterpretation = 'RGB' rgb.header.add_template(self.header) return rgb if self.color: background = self / 255. # [0, 1] else: background = self.to_rgb(colormap=colormap, lut=lut, norm=norm, clip=clip, probs=probs) / 255. if issubclass(type(mask), Series): if mask.color: raise ValueError('Mask cannot be a color image') if background.ndim == 2 and mask.ndim != 2: # 2D case raise IndexError('Mask should be 2D') elif background.ndim > 2 and mask.ndim != 3: # >= 3D case raise IndexError('Mask should be 3D') if mask.ndim == 2: if mask.shape != background.shape[-2:]: raise IndexError('Shape of mask does not match image') elif mask.ndim == 3: if mask.shape != background.shape[-3:]: raise IndexError('Shape of mask does not match image') if maskrange is None: maskrange = (np.nanmin(mask), np.nanmax(mask)) if maskrange[0] == maskrange[1]: maskrange = (maskrange[0], maskrange[0] + 1) # Now smooth the colors channel if mask.ndim == 2: # mask_filter = np.zeros_like(mask, dtype=np.float32) # if np.nanmax(mask) > 0: # mask_filter = mask.astype(np.float32) / np.nanmax(mask) # [0, 1] mask_filter = mask.astype(np.float32) if _is_binary_mask(mask): mask_filter = gaussian_filter(mask_filter, sigma=1.5) elif mask.ndim == 3: # Smooth for each slice independently mask_filter = np.zeros_like(mask, dtype=np.float32) for _slice in range(mask.shape[0]): # _max_in_slice = np.nanmax(mask[_slice]) # if _max_in_slice > 0: # mask_filter[_slice] = \ # mask[_slice].astype(np.float32) / _max_in_slice # [0, 1] mask_filter[_slice] = mask[_slice].astype(np.float32) if _is_binary_mask(mask): mask_filter[_slice] = gaussian_filter(mask_filter[_slice], sigma=1.5) else: raise ValueError('Cannot fuse mask of dimension {}'.format(mask.ndim)) if _is_binary_mask(mask): overlay = Series(np.zeros(mask.shape, dtype=np.dtype([ ('R', np.float32), ('G', np.float32), ('B', np.float32) ]) ) ) overlay['R'] = mask_filter # Red channel overlay_colormap = None else: overlay = Series(mask_filter) overlay.windowCenter = (maskrange[0] + maskrange[1]) / 2. overlay.windowWidth = abs(np.float64(maskrange[1]) - np.float64(maskrange[0])) overlay = overlay.to_rgb(colormap=maskmap) overlay_norm = overlay.colormap_norm overlay_colormap = overlay.colormap overlay = overlay / 255 img = np.empty_like(overlay) for _color in ['R', 'G', 'B']: if blend: img[_color] = (1.0 - alpha) * overlay[_color] + alpha * background[_color] else: img[_color] = (1.0 - alpha) * overlay[_color] + background[_color] img[_color] = np.clip(img[_color], 0, 1) img[_color] *= 255 img = _float_to_rgb_series(img) if overlay_colormap is not None: img.colormap = copy.copy(overlay_colormap) img.colormap_norm = copy.copy(overlay_norm) try: img.colormap_label = mask.seriesDescription except ValueError: pass return img
[docs] def show(self, im2=None, fig=None, ax=None, colormap='Greys_r', norm='linear', colorbar=None, window=None, level=None, link=False): """Interactive display of series on screen. Allows interactive scrolling and adjustment of window center and level. With ideas borrowed from Erlend Hodneland (2021). Examples: >>> img = Series(...) >>> Args: im2 (Series or list of Series): Series or list of Series which will be displayed in addition to self. fig (matplotlib.plt.Figure, optional): if already exist ax (matplotlib.plt.Axes, optional): if already exist colormap (str): color map for display. Default: 'Greys_r' norm (str or matplotlib.colors.Normalize): Normalization method. Either linear/log, or the `.Normalize` instance used to scale scalar data to the [0, 1] range before mapping to colors using colormap. colorbar (bool): Display colorbar with image. Default: None: determine colorbar based on colormap and norm. window (number): window width of signal intensities. Default is DICOM Window Width. level (number): window level of signal intensities. Default is DICOM Window Center. link (bool): whether scrolling is linked between displayed images. Default: False Raises: ValueError: when image is not a subclass of Series, or too many viewports are requested. IndexError: when there is a mismatch with images and viewports. """ from .viewer import Viewer, default_layout import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib as mpl def _get_ax(ax): try: _ax = ax[0][0] except (TypeError, IndexError): try: _ax = ax[0] except (TypeError, IndexError): _ax = ax return _ax notebook = mpl.get_backend()[-5:] == 'nbagg' # im2 can be single image or list of images images = list() images.append(self) if im2 is not None: if issubclass(type(im2), list): images += im2 # Join lists of Series else: images.append(im2) # Append single Series instance # Create or connect to canvas if ax is not None: _ax = _get_ax(ax) fig = _ax.get_figure() # axes = np.array(_ax).reshape((1, 1)) axes = ax else: if fig is None: fig = plt.figure() axes = default_layout(fig, len(images)) try: self.viewer = Viewer(images, fig=fig, ax=axes, colormap=colormap, norm=norm, colorbar=colorbar, window=window, level=level, link=link) except AssertionError: raise self.viewer.connect() plt.tight_layout() if not notebook: self.viewer.disconnect()
[docs] def get_roi(self, roi=None, color='r', follow=False, vertices=False, im2=None, fig=None, ax=None, colormap='Greys_r', norm='linear', colorbar=None, window=None, level=None, link=False, single=False, onselect=None): """Let user draw ROI on image. Examples: >>> img = Series(...) >>> mask = img.get_roi() >>> mask, vertices = img.get_roi(vertices=True) Args: roi: Either predefined vertices (optional). Dict of slices, index as [tag,slice] or [slice], each is list of (x,y) pairs. Or a binary Series grid. color (str): Color of polygon ROI. Default: 'r'. follow: (bool) Copy ROI to next tag. Default: False. vertices (bool): Return both grid mask and dictionary of vertices. Default: False. im2 (Series or list of Series): Series or list of Series which will be displayed in addition to self. fig (matplotlib.plt.Figure, optional) if already exist ax (matplotlib.plt.Figure, optional) if already exist colormap (str): colour map for display. Default: 'Greys_r' norm (str or matplotlib.colors.Normalize): Normalization method. Either linear/log, or the `.Normalize` instance used to scale scalar data to the [0, 1] range before mapping to colors using colormap. colorbar (bool): Display colorbar with image. Default: None: determine colorbar based on colormap and norm. window (number): window width of signal intensities. Default is DICOM Window Width. level (number): window level of signal intensities. Default is DICOM Window Center. link (bool): whether scrolling is linked between displayed objects. Default: False. single (bool): draw ROI in single slice per tag. Default: False. onselect (function): call function when roi change. Default: None. When a polygon is completed or modified after completion, the *onselect* function is called and passed a list of the vertices as ``(xdata, ydata)`` tuples. Returns: If vertices: tuple of grid mask and vertices_dict. Otherwise, grid mask only. - grid mask: Series object with voxel=1 inside ROI. Series object with shape (nz,ny,nx) (3D or more) or (ny, nx) (2D) from original image, dtype ubyte. Voxel inside ROI is 1, 0 outside. - vertices_dict: if vertices: Dictionary of vertices. If running from a notebook (nbagg driver), no ROI is returned. Call get_roi_mask() afterwards to get the mask. Raises: ValueError: when image is not a subclass of Series, or too many viewports are requested. IndexError: when there is a mismatch with images and viewports. """ from .viewer import Viewer, default_layout import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib as mpl notebook = mpl.get_backend()[-5:] == 'nbagg' # im2 can be single image or list of images images = list() images.append(self) if im2 is not None: if issubclass(type(im2), list): images += im2 # Join lists of Series else: images.append(im2) # Append single Series instance # Create or connect to canvas if ax is not None: try: _ax = ax[0][0] except (TypeError, IndexError): try: _ax = ax[0] except (TypeError, IndexError): _ax = ax fig = _ax.get_figure() axes = np.array(_ax).reshape((1, 1)) else: if fig is None: fig = plt.figure() axes = default_layout(fig, len(images)) if roi is not None and issubclass(type(roi), Series): # Convert roi mask to roi vertices roi = self.vertices_from_grid(roi) try: self.viewer = Viewer(images, fig=fig, ax=axes, follow=follow, colormap=colormap, norm=norm, colorbar=colorbar, window=window, level=level, link=link, onselect=onselect) except AssertionError: raise self.viewer.connect_draw(roi=roi, color=color) plt.tight_layout() # vertices = viewer.get_roi() self.latest_roi_parameters = (follow, vertices, single) if notebook: # Leave early without waiting for drawn mask if vertices: return None, None else: return None self.viewer.disconnect_draw() return self.get_roi_mask()
[docs] def get_roi_mask(self): """Get mask drawn by user in get_roi(). Examples: When used in Jupyter Notebook: >>> img = Series(...) >>> img.get_roi() >>> mask = img.get_roi_mask() Returns: If vertices: tuple of grid mask and vertices_dict. Otherwise, grid mask only. - grid mask: Series object with voxel=1 inside ROI. Series object with shape (nz,ny,nx) from original image, dtype ubyte. If original image is 2D, the mask will be shape (ny,nx) from original image. Voxel inside ROI is 1, 0 outside. - vertices_dict: if vertices: Dictionary of vertices. Raises: ValueError: when get_roi() has not produced a mask up front. """ from .viewer import grid_from_roi if self.latest_roi_parameters is None: raise ValueError('Cannot get ROI mask until a successful call to get_roi().') follow, vertices, single = self.latest_roi_parameters if follow: input_order = self.input_order else: input_order = 'none' try: new_grid = grid_from_roi(self, self.viewer.get_roi(), single=single) except IndexError: if follow: new_grid = np.zeros_like(self, dtype=np.ubyte) else: if self.ndim == 2: new_grid = np.zeros((self.rows, self.columns), dtype=np.ubyte) else: new_grid = np.zeros((self.slices, self.rows, self.columns), dtype=np.ubyte) new_grid = Series(new_grid, input_order=input_order, template=self, geometry=self) new_grid.seriesDescription = 'ROI' new_grid.windowCenter = .5 new_grid.windowWidth = 1 if vertices: return new_grid, self.viewer.get_roi() # Return grid and vertices else: return new_grid # Return grid only
def calculate_clip_range(self, probs: Tuple, bins: int = None): assert len(probs) == 2, "Wrong format of histogram probabilities" # Calculate cumulative counts and bin edges of the image if bins is None: bins = 1024 if self.dtype.kind == 'f' else (np.nanmax(self).item()) + 1 cumcounts, bin_edges = np.histogram(self, bins=bins) # Normalize cumulative counts cumcounts = cumcounts.cumsum() / cumcounts.sum() # Find the indices of the bins that correspond to the given probabilities min_bin, max_bin = np.searchsorted(cumcounts, probs) # Get the intensity values at the min and max bins return bin_edges[min_bin], bin_edges[max_bin]
[docs] def vertices_from_grid(self, grid, align: bool = True) -> dict: """Convert roi grid to roi vertices Assume there is a single, connected roi in the grid Args: grid align Returns: dict """ import cv2 as cv def _threshold(im): vertices = [] ret, thresh = cv.threshold(im, 0.5, 1, cv.THRESH_BINARY) # method = cv.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE method = cv.CHAIN_APPROX_TC89_L1 contours, hierarchy = cv.findContours(thresh, cv.RETR_TREE, method) for contour in contours: for vertex in contour: for point in vertex: vertices.append((point[0], point[1])) return vertices # Ensure grid is aligned with image if align: grid = grid.align(self) vertices = {} if grid.axes[0].name == 'row': # 2D grid vertices[0] = _threshold(grid) elif grid.axes[0].name == 'slice': # 3D grid for _slice in range(grid.slices): contour = _threshold(grid[_slice]) if len(contour) > 0: vertices[_slice] = contour else: # 4D grid for _tag in range(self.tags[0]): for _slice in range(grid.slices): contour = _threshold(grid[_tag, _slice]) if len(contour) > 0: vertices[_tag, _slice] = contour return vertices