Source code for src.imagedata.apps.Siemens.evidence2mask

"""Read Siemens Syngo.VIA Basic Reading

# Copyright (c) 2017-2020 Erling Andersen, Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen, Norway

import math
import numpy as np
import logging
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
from imagedata.apps.Siemens.ROI import PolygonROI, EllipseROI

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def xyz_to_zyx(polygon): """Swap (x,y,z) with (z,y,x) for each point Args: polygon: np.array shape (n,3) Returns: rearranged np.array shape (n,3) """ assert polygon.ndim == 2, "Array ndim should be 2, not {}".format(polygon.ndim) new_polygon = np.zeros_like(polygon) for i in range(polygon.shape[0]): x, y, z = polygon[i, :] new_polygon[i, :] = z, y, x return new_polygon
[docs] def evidence2roi(im, uid_table=None, content=None): # def get_rois(image, separate_laterality=False, uid_table=None, content={}): """ overrows = image[(0x6000, 0x0010)].value overcols = image[(0x6000, 0x0011)].value overkey=(0x6000, 0x3000) overlay=image[overkey].value a=bitarray.bitarray(overlay, endian='little') while len(a) < len(overlay)*8: a.append(0) c = np.array(a.tolist()) c = c.astype(np.uint8) #c = c.reshape((overcols, overrows)) c = c.reshape((overrows, overcols)) """ # print("get_rois: {}".format(image.InstanceNumber)) # content = {} if content is None: content = {} rois = [] # List of ROI tuples seqkey = (0x0029, 0x1102) if seqkey in im: presentation_sq = im[seqkey] else: seqkey = (0x0029, 0x1202) if seqkey not in im: logger.debug("get_rois: no presentation sequence (0x0029, 0x1202)") return rois, content presentation_sq = im[seqkey] try: measurement = presentation_sq[0][(0x0029, 0x10a7)] except KeyError: logger.debug("get_rois: no measurement sequence (0x0029, 0x10a7)") # return (rois, content) raise KeyError('No measurement sequence (0x0029, 0x10a7) in input data') try: findings = measurement[0][(0x0029, 0x1031)] except KeyError: logger.error('get_rois: no findings attribute (0x0029, 0x1031) in input data') raise KeyError('No findings attribute (0x0029, 0x1031) in input data') content_sq = presentation_sq[0][(0x0029, 0x10a9)] content['label'] = content_sq[0][(0x0070, 0x0080)].value content['description'] = content_sq[0][(0x0070, 0x0081)].value content['date'] = content_sq[0][(0x0070, 0x0082)].value content['time'] = content_sq[0][(0x0070, 0x0083)].value content['creator'] = '%s' % presentation_sq[0][(0x0070, 0x0084)].value for finding in findings: referenced_frame_seq = finding[(0x0029, 0x109a)][0] if referenced_frame_seq[(0x0029, 0x1038)].VM > 1: referenced_syngo_uid = [] for u in referenced_frame_seq[(0x0029, 0x1038)].value: referenced_syngo_uid.append(u) referenced_syngo_uid = referenced_frame_seq[(0x0029, 0x1038)].value else: referenced_syngo_uid =\ referenced_frame_seq[(0x0029, 0x1038)].value.decode().split('\\') if uid_table: stu_ins_uid = uid_table[referenced_syngo_uid[0]] ser_ins_uid = uid_table[referenced_syngo_uid[1]] sop_ins_uid = uid_table[referenced_syngo_uid[2]] else: stu_ins_uid = referenced_syngo_uid[0] ser_ins_uid = referenced_syngo_uid[1] sop_ins_uid = referenced_syngo_uid[2] # sop_cla_uid = referenced_syngo_uid[3] # '1.2.840.10008.' # ROI number meas_appl_number = int(finding[(0x0029, 0x1035)].value) roi_type_value = finding[(0x0029, 0x1032)].value.strip() try: roi_name = finding[(0x0029, 0x1030)].value.decode() except AttributeError: roi_name = finding[(0x0029, 0x1030)].value except KeyError: roi_name = 'NONAME'"Finding: {} {} {}".format(content['creator'], roi_name, roi_type_value)) if roi_type_value == 'PolygonApplication3D' or roi_type_value == 'FreehandApplication3D': output = finding[(0x0029, 0x1096)] if output.VR == "UN": meas_data_points = np.fromstring(output.value, dtype='float32') else: meas_data_points = np.array(output.value) polygon = meas_data_points.reshape((meas_data_points.size // 3, 3)) logger.debug("XYZ: {}".format(polygon[0])) polygon = xyz_to_zyx(polygon) logger.debug("ZYX: {}".format(polygon[0])) rois.append(PolygonROI(polygon, roi_name, stu_ins_uid, ser_ins_uid, sop_ins_uid)) logger.debug('ROI {}: {} points'.format(meas_appl_number, len(polygon) // 3)) elif roi_type_value == 'EllipseApplication3D': # Ellipsis centre output = finding[(0x0029, 0x1096)] if output.VR == "UN": meas_data_points = np.fromstring(output.value, dtype='float32') else: meas_data_points = np.array(output.value) centre = meas_data_points.reshape((meas_data_points.size // 3, 3)) centre = xyz_to_zyx(centre) # Ellipsis angles output = finding[(0x0029, 0x1097)] if output.VR == "UN": meas_data_points = np.fromstring(output.value, dtype='float32') else: meas_data_points = np.array(output.value) angles = meas_data_points.reshape((meas_data_points.size // 3, 3)) # Ellipsis thickness output = finding[(0x0029, 0x1099)] if output.VR == "UN": meas_data_points = np.fromstring(output.value, dtype='float32') else: meas_data_points = np.array(output.value) thickness = meas_data_points rois.append(EllipseROI( centre, angles, thickness, roi_name, stu_ins_uid, ser_ins_uid, sop_ins_uid)) elif roi_type_value == 'StandaloneTextApplication3D': logger.warning("Standalone Text ROI not implemented.") pass elif roi_type_value == 'DistanceLineApplication3D': logger.warning("DistanceLineApplication3D ROI not implemented.") pass else: raise ValueError("ROI type %s not implemented." % roi_type_value) return rois, content
[docs] def make_mask_in_slice(roi_type, si, points, shape): """Make a 3D mask [nz,ny,nx] """ if roi_type == 'polygon': # polygon = [(x1,y1),(x2,y2),...] or [x1,y1,x2,y2,...] # width = ? # height = ? # for p in points: # save_x(p) polygon = transform_data_points_to_voxels(si, points) roi = None # TODO points_matrix = roi.get_points_matrix(si) # TODO """ print("polygon: points cm {}".format(points)) print("polygon: points matrix", polygon) """ slice = polygon.verify_all_voxels_in_slice(points_matrix) # TODO mask = np.zeros(shape[1:], dtype=bool) polygon2D = [] for p in points_matrix: z, y, x = p polygon2D.append((x, y)) img ='L', (shape[3], shape[2]), 0) ImageDraw.Draw(img).polygon(polygon2D, outline=0, fill=1) elif roi_type == 'ellipse': (centre_cm, angles, thickness) = points centre = transform_data_points_to_voxels(si, centre_cm)[0] slice = centre[0] mask = np.zeros(shape[1:], dtype=bool) angle1 = angles[1] radius_cm = math.sqrt(angle1[0] * angle1[0] + angle1[1] * angle1[1] + angle1[2] * angle1[2]) adjacent_cm = centre_cm + np.array((0, 0, radius_cm)) # save_x((centre_cm + np.array((0, 0, radius_cm)))[0]) # save_x((centre_cm - np.array((0, 0, radius_cm)))[0]) # save_x((centre_cm + np.array((radius_cm, 0, 0)))[0]) # save_x((centre_cm - np.array((radius_cm, 0, 0)))[0]) adjacent = transform_data_points_to_voxels(si, adjacent_cm)[0] radius = abs(centre[1] - adjacent[1]) yc, xc = centre[1], centre[2] ellipse2D = (xc - radius, yc - radius, xc + radius, yc + radius) img ='L', (shape[3], shape[2]), 0) ImageDraw.Draw(img).ellipse(ellipse2D, outline=0, fill=1) mask[slice, :, :] = np.array(img) return mask
[docs] def transform_data_points_to_voxels(si, meas_data_points): polygon = [] for point in meas_data_points: x, y, z = si.getVoxelForPosition(point) polygon.append((z, y, x)) return polygon