Source code for src.imagedata.formats.dicomlib.uid

"""DICOM UID tool."""

# Copyright (c) 2013-2021 Erling Andersen, Haukeland University Hospital

# import os
import os.path
import uuid
import time
import pydicom._uid_dict
# from pydicom.uid import UID

_hostid = None

[docs] def get_hostid() -> str: """Return hostid of running system. """ global _hostid if _hostid is None: # _hostid = os.popen('hostid').read().strip() _hostid = hex(uuid.getnode())[2:] return _hostid
[docs] def get_uid() -> str: """Generator function which will return a unique UID. """ k = 0 # hostid = get_hostid()[:-1] hostid = get_hostid() ihostid = int(hostid, 16) my_root = "2.16.578." % (ihostid, os.getpid(), int(time.time())) while True: k += 1 yield "%s.%d" % (my_root, k)
[docs] def uid_append_instance(root, num) -> str: return root + "." + str(num)
[docs] def get_uid_for_storage_class(name) -> str: """Return DICOM UID for given DICOM Storage Class Args: name: name or UID of DICOM storage class (str) Returns: DICOM UID Raises: ValueError: When name does not match a SOP Class """ if name == "SC": name = "SecondaryCaptureImageStorage" for uid in pydicom._uid_dict.UID_dictionary.keys(): if name == uid: return uid if name == uid[4] or name + "Storage" == uid[4] or name + "ImageStorage" == uid[4]: return uid raise ValueError("Storage class {} is unknown.".format(name))