Source code for src.imagedata.transports.xnattransport

"""Read/write files in xnat database

# Copyright (c) 2021-2024 Erling Andersen, Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen, Norway

from typing import List, Optional
import os
import os.path
import io
import fnmatch
import logging
import shutil
import tempfile
import urllib.parse
import xnat
from .abstracttransport import AbstractTransport
from . import FunctionNotSupported

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class XnatTransport(AbstractTransport): """Read/write files in xnat database. """ name: str = "xnat" description: str = "Read and write files in xnat database." authors: str = "Erling Andersen" version: str = "2.0.0" url: str = "" schemes: List[str] = ["xnat"] mimetype: str = "application/zip" # Determines archive plugin read_directory_only: bool = None opts: [dict] = None netloc: str = None __root: str = None __mode: str = None __local: bool = False __must_upload: bool = False __tmpdir: [str] = None __session: xnat.XNATSession = None __project: xnat.session.XNATSession = None __subject = None __experiment = None __scan = None __tmpdir = None __must_upload: bool = False def __init__(self, netloc: Optional[str] = None, root: Optional[str] = None, mode: Optional[str] = 'r', read_directory_only: Optional[bool] = False, opts: Optional[dict] = None): super(XnatTransport, self).__init__(, self.description, self.authors, self.version, self.url, self.schemes) if opts is None: opts = {} self.read_directory_only = read_directory_only self.opts = opts # Does netloc include username and password? if '@' in netloc: # Add fake scheme to satisfy urlsplit() url_tuple = urllib.parse.urlsplit('xnat://' + netloc) self.netloc = url_tuple.hostname try: opts['username'] = url_tuple.username except AttributeError: opts['username'] = None try: opts['password'] = url_tuple.password except AttributeError: opts['password'] = None else: self.netloc = netloc logger.debug("XnatTransport __init__ root: {}".format(root)) root_split = root.split('/') try: project = root_split[1] except IndexError: raise ValueError('No project given in URL {}'.format(root)) subject = root_split[2] if len(root_split) > 2 and len(root_split[2]) else None experiment = root_split[3] if len(root_split) > 3 and len(root_split[3]) else None scan = root_split[4] if len(root_split) > 4 and len(root_split[4]) else None self.__mode = mode self.__local = False self.__must_upload = False self.__tmpdir = None kwargs = {'verify': False} if 'username' in opts: kwargs['user'] = opts['username'] if 'password' in opts: kwargs['password'] = opts['password'] self.__session = xnat.connect('https://' + self.netloc, **kwargs) logger.debug("XnatTransport __init__ session: {}".format(self.__session)) self.__project = self.__session.projects[project] if project is not None else None self.__root = '/' + project logger.debug("XnatTransport __init__ project: {}".format(self.__project)) self.__subject = self.__project.subjects[subject] if subject is not None else None if subject is not None: self.__root += '/' + subject logger.debug("Subject: {}".format(self.__subject.label)) self.__experiment = self.__subject.experiments[experiment]\ if experiment is not None else None if experiment is not None: self.__root += '/' + experiment logger.debug("Experiment: {}".format(experiment)) if mode == 'r': self.__scan = None if scan is not None: scans, labels = self._get_scans(self.__experiment, scan) if len(scans) == len(labels) == 1: self.__scan = self.__experiment.scans[labels[0]] \ if labels[0] is not None else None else: self.__scan = None if scan is not None: self.__root += '/' + scan logger.debug("Scan: {}".format(scan))
[docs] def close(self): """Close the transport """ if self.__must_upload: # Upload zip file to xnat logger.debug("Upload to {}".format(self.__subject.label)),,, experiment=self.__experiment.label, trigger_pipelines=False, overwrite='delete') if self.__tmpdir is not None: shutil.rmtree(self.__tmpdir)
[docs] def walk(self, top): """Generate the file names in a directory tree by walking the tree. Input: - top: starting point for walk (str) Return: - tuples of (root, dirs, files) """ if len(top) < 1 or top[0] != '/': # Add self.__root to relative tree top top = self.__root + '/' + top url_tuple = urllib.parse.urlsplit(top) url = url_tuple.path.split('/') subject_search = url[2] if len(url) >= 3 else None experiment_search = url[3] if len(url) >= 4 else None scan_search = url[4] if len(url) >= 5 else None instance_search = url[5] if len(url) >= 6 else None # Walk the patient list subjects, labels = self._get_subjects(subject_search) yield '/{}'.format(, labels, [] for subject in subjects: # Walk the experiment list experiments, labels = self._get_experiments(subject, experiment_search) yield '/{}/{}'.format(, subject.label), labels, [] for experiment in experiments: # Walk the scan list scans, labels = self._get_scans(experiment, scan_search) yield '/{}/{}/{}'.format(, subject.label,, \ labels, [] for scan in scans: # Walk the file list files = self._get_files(scan, instance_search) yield '/{}/{}/{}/{}'.format(, subject.label,,, \ [], files
def _get_subjects(self, search): if len(search) < 1: search = '*' subjects = [] labels = [] for id in self.__project.subjects: subject = self.__project.subjects[id] if fnmatch.fnmatch(subject.label, search) or fnmatch.fnmatch(, search): subjects.append(subject) labels.append(subject.label) return subjects, sorted(labels) def _get_experiments(self, subject, search): if search is None or len(search) < 1: search = '*' experiments = [] labels = [] for id in subject.experiments: experiment = subject.experiments[id] if fnmatch.fnmatch(, search) or fnmatch.fnmatch(experiment.label, search): experiments.append(experiment) labels.append( return experiments, sorted(labels) def _get_scans(self, experiment, search): if search is None or len(search) < 1: search = '*' scans = [] labels = [] for id in experiment.scans: scan = experiment.scans[id] if scan.quality == 'usable' and ( fnmatch.fnmatch(scan.type, search) or fnmatch.fnmatch(, search)): scans.append(scan) labels.append( try: return scans, sorted(labels, key=int) except Exception: return scans, sorted(labels) def _get_files(self, scan, search): if search is None or len(search) < 1: search = '*' files = [] for filename in scan.files: if fnmatch.fnmatch(filename, search): files.append(filename) return files
[docs] def isfile(self, path): """Return True if path is an existing regular file. """ raise FunctionNotSupported('Accessing the XNAT server is not supported.')
[docs] def exists(self, path): """Return True if the named path exists. """ return False
[docs] def open(self, path, mode='r'): """Extract a member from the archive as a file-like object. """ if mode[0] == 'r' and not self.__local: scan_id = path.split('/')[4] if scan_id in self.__experiment.scans: scans = [self.__experiment.scans[scan_id]] else: scans = [] for id in self.__experiment.scans: scan = self.__experiment.scans[id] if scan.quality == 'usable' and fnmatch.fnmatch(scan.type, scan_id): scans.append(scan) if len(scans) == 0: raise FileNotFoundError('Scan {} not found.'.format(scan_id)) elif len(scans) > 1: raise ValueError('Too many scans match search "{}": {}'.format( scan_id, scans )) scan = scans[0] self.__tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() if scan.quality == 'usable': # scan.download_dir(self.__tmpdir) self.__zipfile = os.path.join(self.__tmpdir, '') self.__local = True elif mode[0] == 'w' and not self.__local: self.__tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() self.__zipfile = os.path.join(self.__tmpdir, '') self.__local = True self.__must_upload = True if self.__local: return io.FileIO(self.__zipfile, mode) else: raise IOError('Could not download scan {}'.format(scan_id))
[docs] def info(self, path) -> str: """Return info describing the object Args: path (str): object path Returns: description (str): Preferably a one-line string describing the object """ if path[0] != '/': # Add self.__root to relative path path = self.__root + '/' + path url_tuple = urllib.parse.urlsplit(path) url = url_tuple.path.split('/') if len(url) < 2: raise ValueError('Too few terms in directory tree {}'.format(path)) elif len(url) == 2: # Describe project return self.__project elif len(url) == 3: # Describe subject subject_id = url[2] subject = self.__project.subjects[subject_id] if len(subject.experiments) == 1: exp_str = 'experiment' else: exp_str = 'experiments' return '{}, {} {}'.format(subject.label, len(subject.experiments), exp_str) elif len(url) == 4: # Describe experiment subject_id, experiment_label = url[2:4] subject = self.__project.subjects[subject_id] experiment = subject.experiments[experiment_label] scan_str = 'scan' if len(experiment.scans) == 1 else 'scans' return '{} {} {}, {}, {} {}'.format(,, experiment.time, experiment.modality, len(experiment.scans), scan_str ) elif len(url) == 5: # Describe scan subject_id, experiment_label, scan_id = url[2:5] subject = self.__project.subjects[subject_id] experiment = subject.experiments[experiment_label] scan = experiment.scans[scan_id] frame_str = 'frame' if scan.frames == 1 else 'frames' return '{} {} {} {}'.format(, scan.series_description, scan.frames, frame_str) elif len(url) == 6: # Describe file subject_id, experiment_label, scan_id, file_id = url[2:6] subject = self.__project.subjects[subject_id] experiment = subject.experiments[experiment_label] scan = experiment.scans[scan_id] file_descriptor = scan.files[file_id] return '{}, {}, {}'.format( file_descriptor.file_format, file_descriptor.collection, file_descriptor.file_size )